Another Noncitizen Charged with Illegally Voting in a U.S. Election


from The National Pulse:

Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird (R) has filed voter fraud charges against Jorge Oscar Sanchez-Vasquez, a noncitizen residing legally in the United States. He faces two counts of election misconduct stemming from his alleged actions on July 16, 2024, during a special election for the Marshalltown City Council. According to  Bird’s office, the charges include registering to vote and casting a ballot on the same day.

Concerns regarding the illegal participation of noncitizens in U.S. elections have been increasing over the past year as more incidents of criminal acts have been uncovered. The National Pulse reported in July that survey data shows a statistically significant number of noncitizens have illegally voted in American elections. Additionally, a recent investigation in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico found approximately 900,000 ineligible voters were listed on its voter rolls—though in this instance, the individuals were predominantly deceased.


The instances of noncitizen voters documented around the country are abetted by state laws allowing illegal and legal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses or state-issued identification, which either does not or does little to differentiate them from American citizens. Additionally, many states have voter registration laws that automatically add an individual to the state’s voter rolls whenever they fill out certain government forms—such as a driver’s license application. This has resulted in some states seeing thousands of noncitizens erroneously registered to vote.

In Iowa, Sanchez-Vasquez signed a voter registration form, falsely asserting under oath that he was a U.S. citizen. According to Marshall County Sheriff Joel Phillips, Sanchez-Vasquez was aware of his ineligibility to vote. “He had full knowledge [that] he was not valid to vote,” Phillips said in a recent interview.

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