What Happens When the Regime Steals the 2024 Election?


by John Carter, News From The Barsoom:

Does anyone have a good answer to this?

Note that I did not say ‘if’ the regime steals the election.

So far the 2024 election is proceeding according to the same playbook as 2020. Trump is touring the country, holding massive rallies that generate vast enthusiasm. He puts his foot in his mouth as often as he strikes rhetorical gold, making his online supporters oscillate wildly along the familiar it’s so over/we’re so back pendulum, alternately convinced that victory is inevitable and that their leader is determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by, for instance, declaring that he wants lots of immigration because AI is coming (no, that didn’t make sense to me, either). None of this matters to the base, who continue to turn out in their tens of thousands, regardless of what the big man says or doesn’t say. It’s all vibes.

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Meanwhile, Kamala hides from the public, refuses interviews, avoids any unscripted interactions, and doesn’t attend rallies. She’s an idiot, of course – a mentally deficient, vindictive, charmless, alcoholic dollar-store prostitute. Every time she opens her mouth in public the word salad that cackles out elicits incredulous mockery from everyone who bothers to pay attention, just as she always has. She can’t even run on her record – the border broke on her watch, and so did the economy, with her campaign insisting, remarkably, that inflation is fine but also, supermarkets need price controls to prevent gouging. In recognition of this, her team plays hide-the-candidate, a game the regime’s fluffers in the legacy propaganda outlets are only too happy to assist with.

This is precisely the strategy adopted by Joe Biden in the 2020 campaign, which he conducted entirely from the comfort of his basement. Biden was obviously senile. Everyone could see it. His running mate was as unlikable then as she is now. So they both stayed out of view, let the press do his talking for them, while Trump ran around the country holding massive, enthusiastic rallies.

It was obvious to everyone that Trump would win, easily, in a landslide.

And he did win.

Except where it mattered.

Everyone saw what happened on election night. They stopped the count in swing counties in which it looked like Trump would win. When the country went to bed, Trump was comfortably in the lead. When they woke up, the Democrats had magically found boxes of ballots with Biden’s name on them. In some places Democrat-controlled vote-counting centres covered the windows to prevent an angry public from seeing what was happening within. Elsewhere the count lingered on for a week, weeks even, so that the Democrats could count up the number of Trump votes and introduce a sufficient quantity of Biden votes. Then of course there were all the questions about electronic voting integrity, with revelations that the machines were not airgapped, but were in fact unsecurely connected to the Internet.

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