UK Riots: The UK is under the biggest PsyOp of the 21st century


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

We are witnessing the confluence of carefully implemented legislation, judicial and enforcement mechanisms combined with hyper-effective PsyOp manipulation through fake media, Ignasz Semmelweisz writes and uses images from various sources to explain why he comes to this conclusion.

The following is an article published by Semmelweisz nearly two weeks ago.  Please note that he did not prove source links to the images he included.  We have done our best to find the sources and have shown what we have found under each image.


UK National Psyop

By Ignasz Semmelweisz, 10 August 2024

The UK is under the biggest PsyOp in its 21st-century history, more powerful than covid because state use of small amounts of people and agents is providing grossly disproportionate cover for the biggest single move into totalitarianism ever.

There is no need to get everyone to clap for the NHS doing nothing but build backlogs that are instrumental in its own suicidal privatisation strategy (a strategy that itself deserves a clap because it completely worked via the co-opting of all NHS staff to destroy themselves and the service).

Now is the confluence of carefully implemented legislation, judicial and enforcement mechanisms combined with hyper-effective PsyOp manipulation through fake media. All this is a literal fascist unitary approach that no one can resist or reverse, no matter how much they talk about it.

Consultation outcome: Online Harms White Paper
UK Government, 15 December 2020

Note: If somewhere is the “safest place,” it is, by definition, the “least free place.”

Intelligence businesses are digital businesses in the MICIMATT-censorship paradigm. [MICIMATT complex is an acronym for the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex.]

This is now the end of the process, not the beginning. Everything required to literally lockdown the nation’s populace in the prison of its own mind is in place, through all the tools now in existence. Nothing new (except more jail cells) is required.

Expect the construction of new prison facilities by the contractors who built the scam Nightingale hospitals. They were instructed to scope building such facilities in covid for quarantine isolation purposes. Existing facilities like defunct Ministry of Defence sites are in use for such purposes to contain people who happen, at this time, to be immigrants, refugees or asylum seekers. Countries around the world have built these facilities already (see Canada and Australia, for example).

The mob is played by every side of all media forms, including Twitter (X) and Musk, who people do not correctly understand in terms of role, intent, allegiance and actions.

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