Monkeypox?: Shingles? Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? Hepatitis? Something is very wrong and it’s due to the COVID Vaccines


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

It feels like we can’t go a single week without hearing about the re-emergence, or emergence of a disease or ailment at the moment.

We’ve had a mysterious outbreak of hepatitis among children, a rise in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”, and the UK Government declaring a ‘national incident’ after allegedly discovering the polio virus in England.

And now, the Director General of the World Health Organization has overruled the World Health Organization to single-handedly declare the alleged monkeypox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.


All of these outbreaks follow an alleged Covid-19 pandemic, and all of them are “coincidentally” occurring after millions of people worldwide have been injected with an experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccine.

But this is precisely why we shouldn’t really be that surprised. Because all we’re witnessing is the consequences of the damage done to millions of immune systems around the world by these experimental vaccines.

Official Government data proves it and indicates that the damage is so severe that the Covid-19 vaccinated are actually developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the recent diseases and viruses being publicised in the mainstream media.

On the 22nd June, the UK Heath Security Agency (UKHSA), working with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), announced it had found poliovirus in sewage samples collected from the London Beckton Sewage Treatment Works.

The last case of wild polio contracted in the UK was confirmed in 1984. The UK was declared polio-free in 2003. Wastewater surveillance is being expanded to assess the extent of transmission and identify local areas for targeted action.

Since around the middle of May 2022, you will have most likely heard or seen the word Monkeypox mentioned numerous times in the mainstream media. If you haven’t then you’re about to.

This is because on Saturday 23rd July 2022, the Director General of the World Health Organization, Dr Terdros, overruled the World Health Organization to single-handedly declare the alleged monkeypox outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. (Source)

Allegedly, for the first time since its discovery among humans in Africa over 50 years ago, the monkeypox virus is circulating throughout several countries including the USA, UK, Canada, Brazil, Australia and most of Europe all at the same time.

But it just so happens that every single country where monkeypox is allegedly circulating is also a country that has distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to its population; excluding some countries in Africa where the disease has been endemic for the past 50 or so years.

Click on the below image and take a good long look to compare which countries have reported cases of monkeypox to the W.H.O. since May 2022, and which countries have distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.

Every single country that has reported cases of monkeypox has also distributed the Pfizer jab. And there are only a handful of countries where the Pfizer jab has been administered that haven’t reported a case of monkeypox to the W.H.O.

Next up we have hepatitis.

On April 15 2022, the World Health Organization issued a global alert about a new form of severe acute Hepatitis with an unknown aetiology (cause) affecting previously healthy children. Tests have excluded all previously known Hepatitis viruses.

The announcement came after the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) recently detected higher than usual rates of liver inflammation (hepatitis) in children.

The hepatitis infections had been confirmed to have hit children in at least twelve different countries, with the majority of those cases spiking in the UK.

Do you remember that old saying?

‘You wait one hundred years for a pandemic and then three to four come along at once.’

Of course, you don’t. And these health emergencies aren’t all occurring due to some unfortunate coincidence. They’re occurring because the Covid-19 injections cause recipients to develop Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and we can prove it.

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