Honest People Know A Fake When They See It, And Just Like Hillary Clinton Before Her, Kamala Harris Is As Fake As They Come


by J.B Shurk, All News Pipeline:

Kamala’s got one chance to take the presidency, and if Democrat operatives can’t fill out enough mail-in ballots to get her across the finish line, she’ll never be invited back for a second shot.  For the next two-plus months, she inherits what Biden called “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”  This operation catapulted Dementia Joe — who struggled to earn more than single-digit support in previous presidential campaigns — into the White House with the highest number of recorded votes for any politician in American history.  Kind of makes you wonder why Democrats would feel compelled to ditch their incumbent if the guy actually won 25% more votes than their Marxist demigod, Barack Obama.

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We know the answer: public perception of Biden’s cognitive decline makes it just too darn difficult for the ballot fraudsters to pull off what they need to do.  To be sure, lots of Democrats would vote for an edible mushroom, so long as it could magically shower them with “free stuff” and the promise of abortion right up to the moment of birth (and sometimes later, if no one’s looking).  For a few weeks after Biden’s disastrous debate performance — in which he proved himself unfit to form complete sentences, let alone to make life-and-death decisions in the Situation Room — his handlers tried to brand him the magic mushroom candidate.  You’re not really voting for the old guy whose brain is stuck in 1992, they promised.  You’re voting for another “hope and change” psychedelic trip!  Turns out even Meathead Rob Reiner wasn’t buying that one (and that guy lives in a constant state of hallucination!).

Well, when the lead clown in the circus croaks, the show must go on!  Kamala put on her funny red nose, honked her big horn, and told the bozos in her party to get in line.  And just like that, the Democrats had a new presidential candidate.  It’s almost as if the “swap” had been in the works all along.

How could it have not been?  Joe Biden’s sell-by date passed long ago, and the whole world can smell Washington’s spoiled milk.  As the 2020 election proved, Kamala is too dumb and uninteresting to win a single Democrat primary.  If the plan is to replace one buffoon with another, then the only option is to disenfranchise the voters and condense Kamala’s campaign to a theatrical release shorter than a Game of Thrones season.  Here we thought “winter was coming” when Hillary screeched at us in 2016, but that turned out just to be another plot twist before eight long years of Deep State “red weddings.”

Is there actual enthusiasm for Ka-blah-blah Harris among the voters?  If there is, I haven’t seen it.  Even the slow learners out there who wore cheap surgical masks alone in their cars well into 2022 and attached tiny Ukraine flags to their mailboxes in support of nuclear war in Europe are staying quiet these days.  Where are all the “I’m with Her” signs that Hildebeest’s astroturfing army placarded everywhere two election cycles ago?  Have Democrats become skittish about playing the woman card when so many of their voters struggle to define what a woman is?  Nah, that can’t be it.  Sexual and racial grievances are the quintessential ingredients of the Democrats’ political platform.  Without those, their campaign promises would consist of nothing more than higher taxes, open borders, more censorship, and rampant criminality.  (Right now a Democrat operative at Facebook is reading that last sentence and thinking, “What’s wrong with that?  Arg, I’d better censor Shurk anyway.”)

What else can Kamala run on besides her sex and genetic heritage?  As vice president, she was put in charge of securing the border, lowering inflation, and promoting European peace.  In turn, more foreign nationals have entered America in the last three years than ever before.  Green New Deal–induced inflation has made basic groceries unaffordable.  And Ukraine is a powder keg that could ignite a nuclear WWIII.  Good job, Kam-Kam!  Time for you to be promoted!

D’oh!-Joe chose Kamala as his running mate because Democrat power brokers (the usual culprits: Obama, Pelosi, and Clyburn) insisted that he select a black woman as vice president.  By channeling the Democrats’ “soft bigotry of low expectations,” Biden settled on Harris.  It didn’t seem to matter that Harris had spent the majority of her life identifying as part Indian and part Jamaican.  Just as it didn’t seem to matter when Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren climbed the career ladder by fraudulently claiming to be part Cherokee.  Just as it doesn’t seem to matter today that presumptive Democrat V.P. nominee, Tim Walz, has been outed as a coward who betrayed his military unit and a fraud who should have been prosecuted for profiting from other service members’ valor in combat.  For Democrats, stealing other people’s identities, experiences, or achievements is par for the course.

Try finding a video of Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris speaking to a rural audience in which they aren’t attempting some wretched variation of a Southern accent.  That impulse to pretend to be something they are not seems ingrained in their being.  I have never walked into a country club and affected a hoity-toity-haughty-snooty enunciation just to fit in, but whenever Hill and Kam reach a dirt road on their electioneering travels, their voices become miraculously saturated with drawl, twang, extra syllables, and all manner of aw-shucks euphemisms those stuck in big cities rarely hear.  Trouble is, those two charlatans can’t speak deplorable.  They sneer at us and call us, “deplorable.”  We know the difference.

Honest people know a fake when they see it, and just like Hillary Clinton before her, Kamala Harris is as fake as they come.  That explains why all the corporate news propagandists are working so hard to sell some version of Ka-blah-blah that might be appealing to the broader electorate.  Look at her long, shiny hair, America!  Watch her dazzle photographers with multicolored pantsuits galore!  Listen to that joyful laugh!  The world’s most powerful multinational media companies are desperate to make Kam-Kam an Oval Office star.

The problem is that those same media companies have spent the last two years trying to nudge her into resigning the vice presidency.  Why?  Because she’s a political liability!  The original plan was almost certainly to bump Biden out after the 2022 midterms, move V.P. Barbie into the top job, and let her play puppet president for ten years.  But her approval ratings with the American public have always been much lower than Dementia Joe’s.  Americans see right through her.  They know she has a paper-thin intellect, a phony demeanor, and a delusional sense of self-worth.  So Plan B was to make Kam-Kam an offer she couldn’t refuse and replace her with Hildebeest or Gruesome Newsom or some other Dim-Dem with higher polling numbers.  Kamala did what she does best — she refused to let anybody take what she feels she deserves.  And Democrats, having built their entire party around the fetishization of racism and sexism, got hoist with their own petard.

Now the corporate news spin-meisters are trying furiously to get voters to forget what everyone knew only four weeks ago: nobody likes Kamala.  They’ll doctor the polls, put her on the most glamorous magazine covers, and surround her with fawning celebrities eager to sing her praises.  But they can’t fix fake.  And if they can’t manufacture enough enthusiasm for Ka-blah-blah, any “victory” she claims in November will look as fraudulent as Maduro’s in Venezuela.

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