Artificial Intelligence Is Taking Over The World – Anyone That Has Seen How Possible A ‘Terminator’ Scenario Is, Should Be Finding Ways To Limit The Ways AI Can Mess With Them


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

So, the Democrat convention is getting ready to start, with protesters already causing chaos, and let us not forget the endless entertainment of their insane platform, and kooky, word salad candidate, Kamala Harris or the stolen valor guy, Tim Walz aka “tampon Tim” she chose as her VP choice, so we will all getting the popcorn ready to point and laugh at the insanity, while writing about the end of the Republic as we know it if Commie-ala manages to 1) stay the Democrat candidate, and; 2) wins in November.


In the meantime though, I want to write about something else…so I am going to. So there!

Before doing so though, I do want to mention a quote from J.D. Vance that is absolutely spot on, and then we will move along to bots, how one knows if they have been talking to a bot but thought they were a real person and some of the dangers of Artificial Intelligence.

J.D. Vance, quote of the weekend: “Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy is like giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy.”


Now, for the topic of this article..


Does that sound overly dramatic? Maybe, but by the end of this piece, everyone should understand why I am making that assertion.

We’ll start with the most recent and move on from there.

Chat Bots: Evidently people have been ‘speaking” with chat bots without knowing they are are not real human beings, which in and of itself is a little creepy. I know this because there are articles out there on how to know if you have been talking to a bot without being aware of it.

Related: Microsoft shuts down AI chatbot after it turned into a Nazi

LIFEHACKER just published a a piece in August 2024 titled “How to Tell If You’re Chatting With a Bot,” with the sub-heading of “You may have spoken with a conversational AI bot and not even known it. Here’s how to tell (for now).”

For now because Artificial Intelligence bots and programs are supposed to “learn” as they interact with actual human beings, so they sort of evolve, for lack of a better term.

The signs to look for and suggestions include; Watch out for weird word choices, Look for repetition, Pay attention to vague answers, Note the response speed, Are they always available?, Is the other “person” a little too enthusiastic?, They make the wrong mistakes, and Pull a “Crazy Ivan” (Do something unexpected to disrupt their program).

It is really worth the read, especially if you have doubts about “someone” you have been interacting with online.

Next we have AI’s that are writing articles, being used to write arguments for court (someone got caught!), enhancing academic writing and research,  eventually taking more than 300 million jobs from human beings (pay for the technology once and never have to pay humans a paycheck again), online sex botspsychopath botsautonomous killing AI machines, and basically “rewriting the internet.”

Serious question here for readers: Other than ANP and some other Independent Media outlets that tell readers straight out they are not using bots for any part of the text of their articles (images are a different thing), how do you know what you are reading on a news outlet is truly being written by a human?

Any idea which news websites us AI, not always to write articles, but to research them or edit them?

Let’s take a look below at what I found, using the Bing search engine, which by the way, like most search engine uses a bit of AI technology, and algorithms.

My point there is even those of us that do not use AI for writing articles, are being forced to use AI for research, otherwise many of us cannot find the verifying links ot prove our assertions.

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