by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is expected to upgrade the Palestinian status at the UN, granting it almost all statehood rights within its plenum short of allowing it to vote.
The world draws closer and closer to the forced creation of a Palestinian state that the Old Testament prophets said would exist in the last days. This is where we are, right now, as you read this. Your King James Bible is the only one that shows you a living, breathing, literal, actual state of Palestine in the end times. The corrupt versions like the ESV, NIV, LSB and even the compromiser’s favorite, the NKJV, all erase the word Palestine and Palestina from their texts. But your King James 1611 357 is fully-loaded, aim and ready to fire. Pull the trigger.
Aren’t you glad that you have a Bible you can trust? Why do all the modern versions erase the words ‘Palestine’ and ‘Palestine’ and replace them with ‘Philistines’ and ‘Philistia’? Because in 2024 there is no nation anywhere on this Earth called Philistia, they leave you stuck back in the past with the prophetic links broken. But my King James Bible clearly shows me a land called Palestine in 2024, a land that will be created very soon when Israel is parted by her enemies. The modern versions will never tell you that.
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