Monday, January 13, 2025

The Leftist agenda to send Trump to prison could be the spark!


by George McClellan, America Outloud:

This cognitive declining sack of incoherent bones masquerading as a US President, Joe Biden, after three years of fundamentally changing America in the manner Barack Obama started, has proven beyond any doubt that the Democrat party, effectively the new Communist Party USA, is committed to continuing its socialist agenda interrupted by the first term of Donald Trump whose populist election caught them completely off guard and unprepared.


They are not unprepared today, just saddled with an incapable incumbent no longer of any value to the party nor the heir presumptive, the laughably incompetent Kamala Harris. Neither are viewed as brilliant political thinkers, but neither are advocates for the America they are determined to suborn. The Democrats have spent decades quietly attempting to rid America completely of the influences of its founding White European cultures who threw off the shackles of their structured old world-class system of social and economic betters who, with titles, privileges, and unearned authority except by birth, reigned as barons, counts, earls, dukes, and kings under a presumed divine right to run colonial America the same as they did Great Britain.

Democrats no longer subscribe to that singularly rich story no other country in history has achieved, and by ruining America’s educational systems, attacking Americans’ reliance on the nuclear family, their faith in religion, and honest government, now presumes to recast America as the world’s oppressors instead of celebrating the greatest achievement the founders created for its citizens, the US Constitution guaranteeing the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans and yes, I know the slavery arguments. Lucky for us, the Left has saddled themselves with idiots who easily can ruin a revolution.

Why did the American Revolution succeed and the French one did not?

Because colonial America, at the time of our revolution, and too far away from the home country in time and distance, was governed by crown-appointed governor generals supported by the military, reaping the Gross National Product of the colonies and sending it back to England as their just due. Americans were British, after all, and were obligated to support the king and country.

In France, however, the Gentry and the royals reveled in their privilege, disdained the poverty of the citizens, and flaunted their wealth over the needs of the people in full face time. There was no barrier of time and distance separating the French peasantry from the aristocracy; there were no inalienable rights to life or liberty, and the pursuit of happiness was up to what the gentry class allowed. American revolutionists could not snatch the gentry from their homes and relieve them of their heads as the French did, so the King of England sent his armies to quell the colonial disturbances. Citizens of colonial America did not suffer the poverty of the French and only 3% joined the revolution against the home country. The rest stayed out of the fray or supported the British. A war resulted, and Britain, with all its might, simply could not sustain the expense. The French Revolution, on the other hand, devolved into a blood lust for revenge and retribution until even the revolutionaries fell victim to its awful bloody consequences, and it was left to an artillery officer, Napoleon, to sort them out. At least he restored order.

Revolutionary talk fills the American air again today in terms of possibly another civil war. A civil war against whom?

Well, it’s good versus evil, but who is who? Constitutional Americans who want to preserve the freedoms and protections the Constitution affords us appear outnumbered by citizens who have been indoctrinated into the radical Marxist theory of socialism, being taught that there are two classes of world citizens, victims, and oppressors, with America being the biggest oppressor of all.

As we can see with these organized, anti-Israel street demonstrations, these people cannot be reasoned with, but they are our sons and daughters. Are we prepared to kill them? Are they prepared to die for their beliefs? They should be if they are serious about supporting Jihadists. Speaking to these people outside the chaos of demonstrations, one realizes they know nothing of history, are, in fact, uneducated, and have absolutely no cognitive thinking skills. And these are our next generations of leaders? I guess so because they’re there, like it or not.

The problem for Americans is there are too many targets among us who, if not actively involved in domestic issues like BLM and Antifa and protected by the Democrat machine, are lurking secretly to occasionally appear and commit some atrocity like attacking food processing plants, electrical grids stations, or shooting up schools and malls. Into these categories, we can safely insert illegal immigrants sent here for that purpose, homegrown transgenders who have started a trend, and Jihadists, who, we are told, are a protected species because they are adherents to the religion of peace. They reside among us, and to point out the obvious, if you think you can safely protect yourself when confronted by their outrages, then you/we will become the domestic terrorists Biden’s (Obama’s) government has been working hard to create.

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