Pandemic Treaty: Battle Won. Will WHO Ultimately Win the War?


by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

Despite fervent efforts over the last year to negotiate a legally binding agreement for 194 countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) scrapped its efforts this past week for what has come to be known as the Pandemic Treaty (recently renamed the Pandemic Agreement.)

The Tenpenny Report has been covering the treaty for over a year. Here’s our latest recap, which refers to all our past articles. They are all definitely worth a read as it will give the reader the full history of why and how this treaty started.


The Pandemic Agreement would give WHO the unprecedented power to declare health emergencies, and in doing so, override national sovereignty and do just about anything in the name of health, such as force vaccine mandates and lockdowns and censor speech in opposition to the WHO measures.

In fact, it was the “opposition” and free speech which squelched the WHO’s evil plan. Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus began sounding the alarm in January 2024, stating that his momentum behind the pandemic agreement was impeded by “a torrent of fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories”. He warned that the treaty was at risk for falling apart and that future generations “may not forgive us”.

He was understandably upset, as he himself convened an “independent” panel in May 2021 to address the world’s abysmal response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a clear case of problem-reaction-solution, complete with all the wording that any bleeding heart will fall for: global health equity hangs in the balance. It’s the “no country left behind” mantra. Where have we heard this before?

No, it doesn’t. What hangs in the balance is stopping these evil overlords from the ultimate power grab – the one for your health. In March, Tedros started really sweating bullets, and began strong arming countries into signing the agreement. Tedros pulled out all the stops, recruiting nearly 50 former national Presidents and former Prime Ministers – even Nobel laureates! – to “encourage” nations to get on board. The WHO worked overtime to try to shove this treaty down our collective throats. They had outlets like working overtime to help craft a message that nations would maintain their sovereignty. This is a flat out lie.

In the end, the agreement is an utter failure. The group was riddled by infighting, and failed to produce a finished document. In their effort to seize world power, they skipped some of the pesky details, such as exactly how to make this agreement legally binding, and how to protect Big Pharma intellectual property (IP). Oops. Basically, the countries have a mammoth amount of information they still need to agree on.

Now, the WHO is proposing that nations sign an unfinished document in June 2024, agreeing to work out the details later. Yeah, right! Who would sign this?

However, these bozos just appear to be befuddled. This is actually what they want – an empty agreement that nations sign, allowing WHO to set up the exact infrastructure they want to literally rule over us. Who’s to say that we wouldn’t be in a perpetual state of pandemic, giving WHO the ultimate power to control our lives forever. Let’s face it, they can’t show us what they really plan to do, because none of us would ever go for it.

For example, Article 13 of the draft is supposed to address supply chain and logistics, but actually says that the WHO will develop its own system for managing vaccine-related compensation and liability. Translation: we are going to handsomely compensate companies like Pfizer to maim or kill you via their  pseudo vaccines all the while making sure pharmaceutical companies remain shielded from all liability.

Do these idiots think we aren’t paying attention?

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