Looking At The Deagel Report’s Apocalyptic Depopulation Forecast As We Near 2025: Deagel Warned America Of ‘A Horrible Death Toll’ & A ‘Confluence Of Crisis With A Devastating Result’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

With America now racing towards 2025, these first 4 months of 2024 seemingly going by in record time, meaning 1/3 of the year prior to the year the absolutely bizarre Deagel forecast was supposed to ‘come true’ has already passed, we’ve got to take a look back at that ‘forecast’ in light of what’s happening today, with American women giving birth at record low rates in 2023 while ‘excess deaths’ keep exploding across the country, with One America CEO Scott Davison recently revealing he had seen 40% excess mortality for people between the ages of 25 through 64, and while a 10% increase would have been a once in a 200-year event, that 40% increase was off the charts. 

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And while Deagel’s forecasts from several years ago for a 2025 America to have a population of only between 54 million and 99 million might not seem to many like something we’ll hit at the current moment, especially with countless millions now flowing freely into the country on Joe Biden’s watch, a literal ‘invasion force,’ we’ve still got a long way to go.

Especially in a year which has been called ‘the most dangerous of our lifetimes,’ with college students joining illegal aliens to cry out ‘death to America‘ while what’s been called by many on both sides of the political aisle ‘the most important presidential election‘ of our lifetimes being dead ahead and what could be ‘Civil War #2’ unfolding whoever wins that election, if not before, especially if we stay on the same path we’re now on, with WW3 also being warned of by many.

With ‘enemies of America within’ deliberately shattering the ties that once held America together, setting us on the path that we’re on where we’d argue we can no longer trust our political representatives from either political party, and now the mainstream media apparatus screaming out about another ‘pandemic’ dead ahead (of course they’d be planning such a thing in another election year!,) we’ve also been warned that 2024 will be the year a ‘tsunami of death’ due to the COVID vaxxes comes rolling over us.

So with Joe Biden’s presidential approval rating at a pathetic 38.7% in 2024, the worst presidential approval rating in 70 years, STILL being WAAAAAY ahead of Congress’s 2024 job approval rating of an absolutely horrible 7%, showing Americans of all political parties ARE UNITED in realizing that our government is failing us catastrophically.

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