James Woods takes eerie walk down vaccine ‘memory lane’—never forget Biden’s haunting words…


from Revolver News:

Never forget the wild ride the so-called “experts” and elites took us on during the COVID pandemic—all in the name of safety and health. They scared everyone half to death and had us doing the most absurd things, making us look like fools. Remember the COVID “crop circles”? As if sitting six feet apart could magically save you from an airborne virus. It’s unbelievable that so many people bought into this nonsense, but they did—and in droves.

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Source: Reuters

And then there were those “arrows” in grocery stores, implying that if you just followed the direction, you’d magically dodge the virus. People actually followed these, thinking it would somehow keep them safe. How do you even begin to reason with folks who buy into this kind of hooey? This is the kind of stuff our “experts” pushed as public safety, and the propaganda puppets in the media didn’t question any of it; they just reported whatever they were told to say by the regime, no questions asked.

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