It’s ‘Assassination Season’ For The Globalists And CIA: Check Out All Of These World Leaders Who’ve Been Killed Or Suffered ‘Attempted Coups’ In The Last Few Days, Pushing Us To WW3


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

While I had reported two days ago on May 19th that the ‘Biden crime cabal‘ had ‘declared war‘ upon Christians and Conservatives, not only hunting us down but outright torturing a number of them with programs such as ‘sensory deprivation,’ and even secretly murdering some, we’re also now witnessing global leaders being hunted and killed in what’s clearly ‘assassination season’ for the CIA – just check out all these world leaders who’ve been ‘taken out‘ or ‘attempted to be removed‘ in the last few days.


By now, with most everybody knowing about the helicopter crash that killed the so-called ‘Butcher of Tehran,’ Ebrahim Raisi, with the blame for that crash being laid at America’s door by numerous other politicians in Iran, and the attempted assassination of Slovakian PM Robert Fico even got mainstream media press with the BBC even ‘going out there’ and reporting that this attempted assassination doesn’t look like it was a ‘lone wolf’ attack, receiving less mainstream media attention was an attempted coup of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, an attempted coup in the Democratic Republic of Congo and a fatal motorcade crash that the President of Ghana’s presidential convoy was just recently involved in involving numerous fatalities.

With all of this madness coming also at a time when Americans were just recently warned by the FBI about a possible attack upon America that could be ‘well coordinated‘ and might look something like the recent ‘terror attack’ upon the Russia concert hall (absolutely hinting at a well-coordinated FALSE FLAG ATTACK upon the American people carried out by our own government,) also take note that all of this insanity is happening at a time when the world is moving closer every day to WW3.

And all of this is also happening at a time when the USA and the entire Western world are collapsing, with our government having shown us what comes next once they do, outright tyranny, with the ‘great replacement’ weeding out those of us who would stand in their way, replaced by those who will surely be the ‘global crime cabals’ willing slaves. As Paul Craig Roberts recently told us bluntlywhat is happening in the US is happening everywhere in the Western world. As the empire itself is rotten, so must be its constituent parts.

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