Is It Possible to be Addicted to COVID-19 Vaccine Injections?


by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Meet Ben Donato-Woodger, a political activist for Ontario NDP Party who claims to have had 10 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

In his June 18, 2023 Instagram post, Ben claimed he had taken 9 COVID-19 Vaccines and then had a 10th on Dec. 19, 2023.

Jan. 11, 2023: “You better believe I have a recurring task to get boosted every 84 days”


From Feb. 20, 2023:

Here he is with Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow, who herself pushed the “double jab” COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccines.

My Take…

Is COVID-19 Vaccine Injection ADDICTION a real phenomenon?

I believe it is.

From The Recovery Village: offers an insightful explanation based on brain image studies from people addicted to drugs. The study found, physical changes in areas of the brain that are critical for judgment, decision making, learning, memory, and behavior control in addicted people. Scientists believe that these changes alter the way the brain works and may help explain the compulsive and destructive behaviors of an addicted person.

In this case, addiction is demonstrated as both a mental, or psychological, and chemical, or physical, affect in the brain, thus providing evidence that addiction is both psychological and physical.

Not to mention, addictions are formed because they influence the part of the brain that controls pleasurable feelings—those creating a strong desire to recreate the pleasurable feelings associated with substances. Every single drug affects dopamine levels in the brain, creating the reward response, or formed need to keep supplying it with the substance.”

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Propaganda targeted dopamine levels of recipients with endless rewards

There has been no other medical procedure in history, that has been associated with so many rewards, as COVID-19 Vaccines have. Here is just a sample of such rewards:

  • praise from politicians
  • praise from the media
  • praise from church leaders
  • praise from teachers, professors
  • praise from doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers

Those who took COVID-19 Vaccines were told they:

  • were good citizens
  • did the “right thing”, did “their part”
  • prevented the spread of COVID-19
  • protected others including the elderly, immuno-compromised, children
  • protected the healthcare system from collapsing
  • protected the economy and small business
  • took society out of lockdowns
  • were good, ethical, moral, caring people

Those who took COVID-19 Vaccines were given specific rewards:

  • received special access to restaurants, sporting venues, and travel when the unvaccinated were restricted from the same activities
  • were able to participate in certain sports as athletes or spectators
  • received job security (they were allowed to keep their jobs)
  • received career advancement in some cases
  • received University/College program security (if students)
  • received tribal rewards as members of an “approved majority”, members of a dominant (leftist) political movement, members of a dominant cultural (woke) movement
  • received discounts on grocery shopping
  • received free fries, burgers, donuts, joints, lap dances, ice cream, candy
  • received money rewards
  • received attention and praise from others on social media

With all of these rewards being constantly offered in exchange for COVID-19 Vaccination, it’s logical to consider that someone with addictive behaviour or tendencies could become addicted to the rewards associated with COVID-19 Vaccination.

Currently, these people are being exploited by mRNA con artists (politicians, media, corrupt doctors, big pharma). If COVID-19 Vaccine addiction is a real phenomenon, as I suspect it is, it adds another layer to “Vaccine Injury” that will have to be addressed over the long term.

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