False-flag Nation


by David Prentice, American Thinker:

The definition of a false flag is a hostile or harmful action (such as an attack) that is designed to look like it was perpetrated by someone other than the person or group responsible for it.

It was first done by pirates who would fly flags of friendly nations to allow themselves to get close enough to attack merchant ships. The historical use of a flag isn’t the key — it’s the deception.

This kind of tactic has been used often: in 1939, Hitler faked an attack by Poland on a German outpost so that he would have an excuse to invade Poland. A few years earlier Japanese forces set off a bomb next to a Japanese-owned rail line in Mukden as a pretext for the invasion of Manchuria.

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Similarly, false flags have been taken to discredit many a politician or a political movement. One of the crassest charges ever levelled was by James Carville after Paula Jones accused Bill Clinton of pulling his pants down in front of her. He was quoted as saying, “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.” This to put the blame on Jones for Clinton’s indiscretion. Carville claims that she was not the target. You decide.

The intensity of the Left’s obsession to take down Donald Trump has been breathtaking. The Left’s many accusations using the false-flag tactic have turned us into false-flag nation. Never has one person been so consistently harassed, pressured, and accused using one tactic.

Recall when Trump started his rallies back in 2016. Many of them involved some kind of violent fight or violent demonstration, with the media dutifully reporting that these proved the violence inherent in Trump and his backers. The only problem was these were leftist agitprop actors, and that was clear to most non-Democrat observers even then. Violence at an Illinois rally prior to that primary had Ted Cruz accusing Donald Trump supporters (likely cementing his loss).

To this day one of the consistent charges against Trump has been his intention to bring violence to our country. Jussie Smollett tried to add to this farce. It ended badly. The Whitmer kidnapping hoax showed the FBI goading and entrapping a few suckers to get involved in this charade. FBI plants invented the idea and pushed it to happen. This to once again prove Trump supporters were violent lawbreakers.

The RussiaGate scam was a false flag set up by the Deep State. These silly charges against Trump were manufactured by his opponents to make him appear guilty. The Trump Ukraine phone call impeachment came straight from Biden-supporting Democrats. Blaming Trump for Biden’s Ukraine corruption was pathetic, but our media pressed to convince Americans that Trump was the corrupt one — not the Biden family that was neck deep in payments from Burisma.

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