DHS and TSA adjust digital strategies with biometrics, facial recognition


by Joel R. McConvey, Activist Post:

U.S. government agencies are adapting in real time to a digital landscape transformed by AI, identity fraud, deepfakes and biometric technologies. Following its release of an AI roadmap and the formation of an AI advisory board, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released a first-of-its-kind strategic plan for innovation and R&D. Meanwhile, some say the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is not moving fast enough on new tech tools, while others worry its use of facial recognition will lead to mass surveillance.

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DHS plan pits biometrics against advanced threats from AI

In its Innovation, Research & Development (IRD) Strategic Plan, Fiscal Years 2024-2030, DHS “identifies ways to coordinate IRD investments to maximize impacts across our components and missions.” An opening note from Under Secretary for Science and Technology Dr. Dimitri Kusnezov lays out the stakes in urgent terms. “Innovations, such as the rapid development and wide adoption of Artificial Intelligence, are major disruptors of the homeland security enterprise (HSE) and empower our adversaries,” Kusnezov writes.

“IRD initiatives provide DHS the key mechanisms to keep pace with this changing strategic environment. The technologies that emerge from our IRD investments are critical to ensuring our front-line operators have the tools they need to stay ahead of our adversaries and better prepare for and respond to natural hazards.”

Several passages are noteworthy for the biometrics community. “DHS is investigating enhanced biometrics capabilities grounded in rigorous scientific study and analysis to improve identity validation and verification of individuals arriving or departing points of entry on foot or within a vehicle,” says the document, in the section on Objective 2.2: Expedite Lawful Trade and Travel.

Under Objective 3.2: Enforce U.S. Immigration Laws, the document says “IRD is bolstering biometric capabilities to improve screening and vetting to ensure timely and accurate processing, including detection of face morphing or digital alterations to photos on passports or travel documents, while also safeguarding data protection and privacy.”

Biometric identification technology also figures into an objective related to protecting and supporting victims of crime and trauma, and appears in the Strategic Priority Research Area (SPRA) devoted to Digital Identity and Trust. “Digital trust is critical to verifying the validity

of data, maintaining privacy, and ensuring data integrity across multiple platforms and applications,” says the text. “The Digital Identity and Trust SPRA will explore IRD opportunities to achieve this while ensuring approaches do not diminish privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties of persons.”

TSA doing well on digital identity but faces wrath on facial recognition

hearing on the TSA’s proposed budget for 2025 saw stern words from House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security Chairman, Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), in addressing the “painfully slow” timelines on TSA’s adoption of new technology.

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