Biden’s signing of the WHO Treaty is an insurrection and not legally binding!


by Paul Engel, America Outloud:

There has been plenty of talk about the World Health Organization Pandemic Agreement lately. Claims of power grabs and health emergencies are certainly warranted. But with all of the claims that this treaty will be legally binding, you should know none of that is true.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty

With all of this talk about the WHO treaty, you may be surprised to find out it doesn’t call itself a treaty. Rather, its actual title is the WHO Pandemic Agreement. This detail will become important later in this article. As you may expect, this agreement starts with some grandiose statements, many of which are just as grandly wrong.


Recognizing that the World Health Organization is fundamental to strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, as it is the directing and coordinating authority on international health work.

Revised draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement

As more and more information comes to light, we find that recommendations from WHO regarding lockdowns, masks, and the mRNA vaccine” puts in question how effective they were in preventing the spread of the pandemic. Which brings into question the purpose of this agreement.

The objective of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, guided by equity and the principles and approaches set forth herein, is to prevent, prepare for, and respond to pandemics.

Revised draft of the negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement

Who would decide how to prevent, prepare, and respond to pandemics under this agreement? It shouldnt surprise anyone that it would be the bureaucrats in the WHO calling the shots. While much of the agreements language is fairly vague, that doesnt mean there arent problems. Language like this:

The Parties commit to take measures to progressively strengthen pandemic prevention and coordinated multisectoral surveillance, taking into account national capacities and national and regional circumstances. …

The Parties shall contribute to the further development and updating of international standards and guidelines to detect, reduce risks of, monitor, and manage zoonotic spill-over and spill-back, in collaboration with WHO and relevant intergovernmental organizations. …


Each Party commits to develop, strengthen and maintain its health system, including primary health care, for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, taking into account the need for equity and resilience, with a view to the progressive realization of universal health coverage.

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