The Woke Liberals That Control Lincoln Center In Manhattan Have Replaced Their Annual ‘Mostly Mozart’ Festival With Drag Queen Duets And BLM Offerings


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

In the case of Lincoln Center, this distortion of the historical record to satisfy the whims of identity-obsessed elites has distorted reality itself and undermined a historic institution, Mozart and all.

As a child, my mother insisted that I was exposed to classical music and that took the form of beginning piano lessons at the age of 9 and violin lesson shortly thereafter. I started with the basics and then was introduced to the classical masters like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms and the rest. But the music of Mozart was different, it had a strength and power that seemed to put it into its own classification of music. Mozart has been called the greatest composer of all time, and rightly so. But even the great Mozart cannot stand up to the hordes of Black Lives Matter revolutionaries who insist on erasing everything that does not align itself with their Marxist theology. Ladies and gentlemen, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has been cancelled. What is his crime? He’s too talented, and he’s too white.


“Behold their sitting down, and their rising up; I am their musick.” Lamentations 3:63 (KJB)

How well I remember back in the 1970’s, being taken to New York City by my parents for a night of ‘classics and culture’ at Lincoln Center. My mother loved their ‘Mostly Mozart’ festival, and I grew to love it, too. We came from a small, little town, located the rural foothills of old New Jersey, but mom insisted on a little culture if only to balance out the incessant watching of Monday Night Football my dad and I would do. (years later I would get saved in part from reading the John 3:16 signs displayed whenever points were scored). Now Lincoln Center, that great bastion of culture and classical music, has jettisoned Mozart in favor of events like drag queen duets and the Kumbia Queers Live that looks as bad as it sounds. Lincoln Center has drunk the Kool-Aid, becoming a mouthpiece for the various anarchist groups that continue to plague this country. Racism in America will never, ever end, because the Liberals that control the media and our government will not allow it to end. It is their main weapon to refashion society as they prepare to receive the coming Antichrist. That’s the memo.

Lincoln Center cancels Mozart and goes woke — based on a historical lie

FROM THE NY POST: When Black Lives Matter becomes a marketing strategy, facts offer little impediment to speaking “one’s truth.” Take the case of New York’s Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, which banked its pandemic recovery on a narrative of its own abhorrence.

In 2020, the center began promoting a story that a vibrant black community known as San Juan Hill had been deliberately snuffed out in the 1950s to make way for its creation.

“The displacement of Indigenous, Black, and Latinx families that took place prior to the construction of our campus is abhorrent,” declares the center’s “Message on Our Commitment to Change.”

“We may never know its full impact on those dispossessed of the land on which Lincoln Center sits. But only by acknowledging this history can we begin to confront the racism from which our institution has benefited.”

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