Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Buzz on the street is deafening


by Prof. Pedro Blas González, America Outloud:

It takes attentive and honest people to make sense and appropriate the buzz on the street today.

While ours is a trashy, throwaway culture and society that is fueled by dumbed-down vulgarity, the buzz on the street can be very revealing about the state of degeneration that our rulers – elected and unelected – present us with.

That is the sorry reality of the contradictions that postmodern life has ushered. This condition is compounded by the colossal and incessant amount of disinformation that our Marxist institutions that refer to themselves as the ‘left,’ the once-free press, government operatives, and opportunist oligarchs utilize to manipulate the citizenry.


What is the Buzz?

The buzz on the street is the pulse of working men and women in democratic nations. No amount of disinformation and fake news can change that.

The street buzz speaks about the state of the post-Christian, post-rational, and post-moral world that we have created.

On every level, the buzz is ominous.

In short, the buzz on the street is that the totalitarian, iron-fisted rulers of the postmodern world have a reckoning coming with the democratic-minded electorate. Is this why the despots that run the world today build elaborate, self-indulgent bunkers for themselves?

Yet, like what takes place in Tom and Jerry cartoons and the slew of terrible post-1980s slasher movies, rats, criminals, and villains eventually must come out from hiding.

The buzz on the street is that the despots that run the globalist, communist, one-world cartel have initiated a scorched-Earth policy for mankind.

In Hungary, the buzz on the street – more than a buzz, really – is that Georges Soros cannot dare set foot on that nation’s sovereign soil. He’s not worried, though. He’s too crafty and cunning to know otherwise. How else does one become a real-life James Bond villain?

The buzz on the street is that throughout Europe, farmers who have their farms and products stolen from them by the heads of the European Union cartel are fighting tooth and nail.

The buzz on the street is that the despots who run the world today embrace unadulterated evil; they have taken off their masks in admitting that they are purveyors of evil practices.

People have not identified and talked publicly about the evil people that currently rule democratic nations as they are doing today. This is the buzz on the street.

Today, the stakes are for life and death. There is nothing abstract or theoretical about the decay of Western democracies. Unless there is a corrective to the totalitarian evil of the globalists, the whole world will be turned into a gulag. This is what people are saying in the street.

  The buzz on the street from thoughtful and historically savvy people is that the coming gulag will make the literary and cinematic imagination seem like child’s play.

In 1907 the English Catholic priest and writer, Robert Hugh Benson, published a now-classic novel, Lord of the WorldLord of the World accurately predicts the dystopian world to come – what is now our world.

Benson describes how nations will possess weapons that can destroy cities in minutes and that euthanasia will be marketed and sold as moral progress.

Lord of the World depicts the antichrist as a charismatic, secular world ‘leader’ who is devoted to equity and peace.

The buzz on the street is that droves of people, especially causal readers, are reading dystopian novels. Why?

Beyond the fervor for the oppression of dissidents and violence against non-conformists in dystopian novels like We, 1984, and Brave New World, globalists, communists, and their opportunist ‘progressive’ financial backers are hell-bent on the annihilation of man. Period. This is sadism on an apocalyptic level. Why is that?

Depopulation is the thing, man!

How did evil psychopaths come to rule the world today? It seems that everyone on the street is asking that question.

The buzz on the street, from the oldest people to younger generations, is that evil globalists are ruining man’s ability to live in peace.

Leave the people alone! People just want to ‘let life be.’

There is no shortage of sentient people today who understand that the current rate of social/political, moral/spiritual, and law and order decay is not a coincidence.

There are no coincidences in bureaucratically micro-managed Marxist governments.

The destruction of our democratic way of life is managed-decline by globalist – iron-fisted villains.

We can no longer think of our destructive, dystopian postmodern world as science fiction. Our corrosive decay is the result of moral/spiritual conditioning.

Evil is only evil if there are enough people to recognize it as such.

The buzz on the street – that vivid and intuitive understanding of human reality that informs Walker Percy’s life-affirming novels – is a powerful indicator of the life and death concerns of working people.

The buzz on the street, to cite the title of a Ray Bradbury novel, Something Wicked This Way Comes, is that the people who rule the world today are evil posing as good.

For good listeners, a few words…

What lessons can we take from our dismal state of world affairs?

The ominous truth is that totalitarians and progressives are incapable of internalizing the destructive consequences of their brazen, world-altering conditioning. Is that not their plan?

So, forward our despotic social engineers march, like street-corner dope dealers, pushing their social/political and moral/spiritual social engineering program. What gives?

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