by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

As you’re enjoying the solar eclipse and whatever apocalyptic “additions” that have been tacked onto it by our whacky “leaders” – I’m waiting for them to blame the lunar transit on climate change (cue screaming Swedish girl) – you may have missed yet another warning message that came out of Russia recently, this time not from Mr. Putin, but from Mr. Medvedev.  You may have missed this one because, to my knowledge, it appeared in Delovaya Gazetta, and had it not been spotted by L.G.L.R. who shared it with us, I would’ve missed it as well.

Here’s the story (and if you click on the link, just wait a few seconds for the English translation):


Medvedev named the organizers and sponsors of the terrorist attack at Crocus

For some time I’ve been warning that what the Russians are attempting to tell the western leadership is that asymmetrical warfare and “horizontal escalations” and “assassination-by-drone” is a game two can play. I’ve been warning that sending in “terrorist” teams to shoot innocent civilians or even an assassin or two to try to assassinate foreign leaders (remember the accident in Moscow a few years ago involving Mr. Putin’s chauffeur?) are such games, and that, if the West kept up it’s “games” in these areas, eventually the Russians would respond in similar ways.  Last Friday I blogged about Mr. Putin’s latest message in this regard, and now it appears that on Saturday (April 6) Mr. Medvedev has followed Mr. Putin’s warning with one of his own, and it’s a very clear and foreboding statement:

Medvedev wrote in his Telegram channel that the “true organizers” of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall are “still hiding in the shadow of ISIS,” but information published from the phones of “hired geeks” indicates that these are officials of the Nazi “Ukraine” “

He is confident that the organizers will answer according to the law in the same way as terrorists around the world. According to him, the performers, despite multiple references to their affiliation with IS/ISIS/Vilayat Khorasan (a terrorist organization banned in Russia), are not religious fanatics.

Medvedev called “senior officials of NATO countries” accomplices and international sponsors of terrorists. He considered that the rhetoric and actions of French President Emmanuel Macron, and most importantly, his sanctions for secret operations with the Bandera regime could well be regarded as complicity in the terrorist attack in Crocus.

It is obvious that Macron and a number of other Western leaders are the sponsors of this terrible terrorist attack. There is no forgiveness for this. There is no hiding behind immunities here. And from now on they are not just enemies of Russia,” says the deputy chairman of the Security Council. (Emphases added)

You’ll note a number of things here. Firstly, Russia is not backing off its characterizations of the Kievan regime as “Nazi.”  This has been a staple and persistent feature of the accusations coming from Moscow since Sergei Glazyev’s remarks years ago in the aftermath of the Maidan coup that Russia’s problems were not the “Nazis in Kiev but the Nazis in Washington.” Secondly, Medvedev has reiterated the message that by their support of particular policies, Nato officials themselves are “accomplices” in the Crocus terrorist attack. Thirdly, Medvedev mentioned French President Macron in this context, indicating that Russia is willing to name names, and  by naming them, presumably including those names’ network of “close supporters and advisors;” time will tell if that is true. Fourthly, and this is the most significant statement from a senior Russian government official yet, Mr. Medvedev has made it clear that Russia is not willing to regard these actions as a simple “policy miscalculation.”  Indeed, what self-respecting government could ignore attacks on its own people? What sane leadership could do so? “There is,” Mr. Medvedev warns, “no forgiveness for this.” And then he adds what I think is the central and most important point of this latest message: “There is no hiding behind immunities here. And from now on they are not just enemies of Russia.”

In other words, and to “translate” a bit, those two sentences interpret each other. One can be an “enemy” of Russia and still be capable of “hiding behind immunities,” those “immunities” being the standard rules of the game: you don’t shoot at me, and I won’t shoot at you. You don’t drop drones on my head, and I won’t drop drones on yours. You don’t try to collapse my bridges, and I won’t try to collapse yours, and so on. The Western leadership has made it clear by statement and action that it wants a “regime change” in Moscow away from the Putin-Lavrov-Medvedev-Shoigu faction. In short, the Western leadership has made it clear that the Russian leaders are not exempt from “wet works” aimed in their “general direction.”  In other words, I believe Mr. Medvedev just informed us that wet works are now – in principle – green lighted.

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