Proof America’s Critical Infrastructure Is Under All Out Attack To Rush ‘A Thinning Of The Herd’: ‘Once Is An Accident, Twice Is A Coincidence BUT Three Times Is An Enemy Action’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

In an excellent comment by ANP reader ‘El Gato Blanco’ on Sunday, he spoke these words of truth that I must repeat to begin this new story, “Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. Thinking of those 100+ food factory fires and train derailments since 2019.”

With ‘El Gato’s’ comment made in response to one made by Johnny Shaffer who had posted a screenshot of a new story reporting a NY City container ship ALMOST struck the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge connecting the New York City boroughs of Staten Island and Brooklyn after mysteriously losing power before a whole slew of tug boats brought the ship back under control, remember also that only a week after a cargo ship caused a fatal bridge collapse in Baltimore, a barge ran into an Oklahoma bridge.


With that near-miss of the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge in New York joining the Key Bridge in Baltimore being taken down and the the barge striking the bridge spanning the Arkansas River, causing officials to close the bridge, we’ve got that ‘three times is an enemy action’ that ‘El Gato Blanco’ was talking about in his comment, and think about this, how many times in YOUR lifetime do you remember 3 strikes, or near-strikes, upon critical bridges in the United States happening within just days? Yeah, me neither.

And it’s definitely NOT just ‘the bridges’ that are seemingly ‘under attack’ as ‘El Gato’ also mentioned in his comment but over the past several years there have been a countless number of our food processing plants mysteriously ‘catching fire,’ trains mysteriously ‘derailing’ and what appear to be all-out ‘attacks’ upon our critical infrastructure here, as if America is already ‘at war,’ we’re just not supposed to know about it.

As ANP reader ‘OkyDoky’ also had mentioned in a comment in our breaking news alerts section while linking to this Rumble video, we’re witnessing nothing less than a very real ‘thinning of the herd’ going on right here and right now in America, with our farms being destroyed, chemtrails poisoning the air that we breath and our food supply seemingly under all-out attack, and now we’re witnessing our critical infrastructure being taken down before our eyes, with all of the signs pointing towards these acts being intentional to ‘choke off’ the living, with very real agendas being played out behind this sabotage. You can hear that Rumble video at the bottom of this story discussing these bizarre events happening now.

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