Millions Of Americans Stomachs Are Being Paralyzed By The Deadly New Weight Loss Drug ‘Ozempic’ That ‘Big Pharma’ Keeps Pushing As An ‘Answer’ To The Obesity Epidemic In America


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Now They Plan On Giving This Deadly Weight Loss Drug To Children

On April 11th, the Daily Mail published this story titled “Leading doctor warns of deadly unforeseen side effects of Ozempic: ‘It raises your risk 900 PERCENT'” (saved here at Archive) within which they warned nutritional expert Dr Mark Hyman has claimed Ozempic’s side effect profile is ‘scary’ and ‘quite disturbing’ with over 100 US deaths linked to the extremely popular weight loss drug and similar weight-loss medications.


With Dr. Hyman claiming he expects even more unintended effects to come to light over time and “the side effect profile on this is scary because bowel obstruction, which is not a trivial thing, essentially where your bowels stop moving is increased by 450 percent,” Dr. Hyman also warned that “pancreatitis, where your pancreas becomes inflamed, is increased by 900 percent.”

And while the DailyMail story also reported that analysis showed that fatalities from those popular weight loss shots like Ozempic and Zepbound spiked in 2023, with at least one involving a woman who died from an ‘intestinal mass,’ the fact that these ‘deadly side effects’ have been called ‘unforeseen’ are clearly a load of lies, with ANP ourselves publishing this story back on February 18th of 2024 titled “With America’s Medical Industry Fully ‘Militarized,’ Of Course ‘Big Pharma’ Is Using Deadly Reptile Venoms To Create Drugs And Cosmetics – Gila Monster Venom In Popular Weight Loss Drug” within which we bluntly warned  ‘Ozempic’ was created using the ‘venom’ of the ‘Gila monster,’ a desert dwelling reptile which has toxic and deadly venom.

So how in the world could these deadly ‘side effects’ of Ozempic been ‘unforeseen’ when ANP warned nearly two months ago that unsuspecting victims of ‘big pharma poisoning’ were already dying from it? From that February ANP story.:

Dr. Bryan Ardis held a recent conference that he had participated in and a question he asked his audience, how many of you know someone who is taking the diabetes/weight loss drug ‘Ozempic,’ and having nearly everyone in the room raise their hands, the popularity of ‘Ozempic’ has been skyrocketing following several ‘celebrities’ admitting they’d used it to lose weight rapidly, with even the NY Times recently doing a story about ‘Ozempic,’ reporting how ‘tech moguls’ and ‘influencers’ have been bragging about taking the injectable drug to also lose weight rapidly

And while I myself have never even dreamed of taking a weight loss drug and in fact, have happily gotten myself off of all of the big pharma poisons I was taking several years ago, I found the discussion about ‘Ozempic’ mind boggling when Dr. Ardis shared with us a fact that we can all confirm about ‘Ozempic’ ourselves in case we’re called ‘conspiracy theorists’: ‘Ozempic’ was created using the ‘venom’ of the ‘Gila monster,’ a desert dwelling reptile which has toxic and deadly venom

With this story over at The Conversation reporting scientists found a hormone in the Gila monster’s venom called exendin-4 that could be used to treat type 2 diabetes, a hormone similar to one found in humans called GLP-1, which is released after eating and is important for controlling blood sugar levels in humans, for a short time all seemed great in the warped world of ‘big pharma’ in that they found what many hoped would be a ‘miracle drug’ that could not only successfully treat diabetes, but also help people shed pounds rapidly, but of course, they didn’t take into account the many ‘side effects’ which come along for human beings with a drug created using the toxic venom of a deadly reptile.

So once again, while this new Daily Mail story had called these catastrophic and often deadly side effects of Ozempic ‘unforeseen,’ how did we here at ANP know about these deadly side effects months ago? Of course, the ‘big pharma terrorists’ were more than happy to call our warnings a ‘conspiracy theory’.

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