How Government Played Russian Roulette With The Lives Of Millions – Your Government Thinks It Was Perfectly Alright To Use You As A Human Guinea Pig And Gamble With Your Life


by Dave Jefferson, All News Pipeline:

The extraordinarily large number of severe immediate-terms adverse reactions (including deaths) to the Covid vaccines and pseudo-vaccines has distracted us from an important fact we must not lose sight of:

The gravest issue with the vaccines and pseudo-vaccines is NOT the short-term adverse events but the LONG TERM adverse effects on health and longevity. 

That so many adverse effects have shown up almost immediately has come as something of a surprise. The scale and seriousness were not expected and the concern has been and REMAINS the long-term effects.


However, the surprising number and severity of short-term problems increases our concern for the long term health of people who have been injected with these new experimental biochemical agents. They comprise a whopping great red flag that tells us we need to be very very wary indeed of getting ourselves injected with these substances. 

There is always a chance that the government will “get away with” this reckless and irresponsible use of an entire nation as guinea pigs, much as there is always a chance that if one plays Russian Roulette the gun will not go off.

That does not make playing Russian Roulette a smart thing to do, especially as the government is playing Russian Roulette by aiming the gun at OTHER PEOPLE’S HEADS. 

A better analogy however would be this:

When you play Russian Roulette with a revolver (and please do NOT try this at home!) you put one bullet in the chamber and spin it. This gives you a one in six chance that the gun will kill you or a 6-to-one chance you will survive. Or, for every six people who are persuaded to play Russian Roulette in this way, one will blow their brains out. Even with 6-1 odds in your favor you would have to be a complete idiot to play. 

Either that or you would have to be subjected to a pretty heavy sales pitch to persuade you to play. This of course we have seen over the past year+ with the Covid Terror orchestrated by the two major front groups for corporate power: the government and the media 

But what about playing Russian Roulette when you do not know how many bullets are in the chamber (6? 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? or none at all?).

You would have to be even more stupid to play when you do not know how many, if any, bullets are in the chamber and the only data you have are reassurances and promises from shifty people you KNOW are not entirely trustworthy (such as government, media or pharmaceutical marketing) that there are no or “very few” bullets in gun.

But, off course, to make the analogy even more apt, we would have to imagine the bullets are slow-acting. They do not necessarily blow a person’s brains out immediately but instead sort of gnaw away at them and kill them slowly over a number of years – the number varying wildly from person to person according to their individual circumstances such as age, lifestyle, other health problems etc), perhaps even so many years that their eventual, untimely death is hard to even to relate to the game of Russian Roulette they once played years earlier. 

If the bullet simply blows people’s brains out it becomes easy to assess the risks, whether we have been lied to and so forth and people quickly become aware the game is dangerous and decline to play it.

But if the “bullet” the gun inserts into your body is slow acting and people tend not to die spectacularly right away, it becomes easy for those who for their own reasons want everyone to play, to sell the populace on how safe the game is (“See? Hardly anybody has died yet apart from a load of old people!”)By the time it becomes obvious the game wasn’t safe after all, there’s a slow-acting bullet in almost everybody. 

To stretch the analogy further, what seems to be happening at the moment is that whilst the bullet is mostly slow acting, it has blown the brains out straight away of just enough people to alert the rest of us to the fact that there is something very very dodgy with that proverbial revolver and its mysterious bullets. 

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