Biden Moves to Immortalize Federal Bureaucracy


from Moonbattery:

The choice is stark: we can drain the Swamp, like Javier Milei is doing in Argentina, or we can succumb to societal collapse, like Canada appears likely to do under Justin Trudeau. Only by purging the legions of pernicious federal bureauweenies who are smothering our liberties and bleeding the country dry can we prevent these parasites from killing their host. Donald Trump may be the man for the job. Democrats are worried enough to take steps to stop him:


The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) finalized a rule that protects employees in the civil service by preventing the removal of their status and protections involuntarily, according to a press release. Under the new rule, an administration wishing to shift federal employees to a new category making them easier to fire would have to go through an elongated process, a move meant to be more time-consuming for a future president, Politico reported.

Democrats must not have total faith in the ability of the media assisted by election fraud to keep Biden in power. This is all about setting up roadblocks for Trump:

The rule is widely viewed as a response to an executive order signed in 2020 by former President Donald Trump, Politico reported. The executive order targeted federal workers, removing protections from some employees and make it easier for the president to hire and fire them.

Nothing about draining the Swamp is going to be easy. Fortunately, the liberal establishment has gone out of its way to motivate Trump by antagonizing him to the best of its ability.

On tips from Bluto and MrRightWingDave.

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