ARE YOUR EYES OPEN?: Global Governments are in a Silent War Against Humanity- The Prelude to WW3 & the March Towards a Digital Dystopia


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

It is an honour, a privilege and a joy to give my thoughts and words to my brothers and sisters in our fight to preserve our identity, our history, our national culture, the honour of our ancestors, our freedoms, our health, our individuality, our spirituality, our families, our lives, our private parts and our species, in the face of the most insidious attack on them all, perpetrated through our own governments, our own public servants, our own police force that used to be the best in the world, our own banks that not 50 years ago were the largest in the world, our own intel agencies that used to be James bond but have now become blofeld, our own education system that was in my day the best in the world, but is now an alphabet grooming woke Madrassa which robs its victims of the very freedom of thought and expression that my generation was paid to receive by an enlightened government of one of the most enlightened nations in the world scientifically, technologically, artistically, professionally and spiritually.


But all that has been destroyed by the bankrupt morality of political correctness, which is moral incorrectness, since politics is the art of deception. 

By Gordon Ritchie

Our NHS, which before Griffiths/Sainsburys/Thatcher, was full of expertise, excellence, love compassion and academic diversity, is now full of non-medically trained bureaucrats who have none of them taken the Hippocratic oath.

It is controlled by Big Pharma, who fund and dictate commercially motivated protocols to regulators who enforce them through administrators under the pain of practice licence removal.

Our NHS used to save all the lives it could. But now it takes the lives of the elderly, of those waiting for an ambulance, of those lying in a trolley in a corridor and of those ignorant/scared/gullible enough to be persuaded that vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity, that DNA and mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy, that Covid19 was a threat to those of working age and that fake RNA is safe and effective as an intervention etc., etc..

Dr Paul Marik, the 2nd most published care physician worldwide puts it like this

“Our health care system is a hoax. And so, my advice to you: don’t get sick, don’t go to the hospital, because they’re going to kill you.”

“The medical system will kill you.”

I could go on. But we have seen in the US how every single organ of state, every single tentacle of government has been weaponised to become first an election campaign HQ for the DNC and then a concentration camp for their opponents.

Anyone who even thinks of helping to organise a political campaign for a party other than the DNC will have their life and the lives of their family destroyed economically if not judicially, by incessant process crime indictment.

So that every single republican activist will know for certain that if they play any significant part in helping a non-DNC president to be elected, they will become a Paul Manafort, a Roger Stone or a General Flynn.

They will never be able to fund their children’s education again if the Dems have their way with them. And every lawyer who seeks to offer the constitutional right of a professional defence to a non-DNC political campaigner will know for certain that they are risking their practice licence.

Yes. The Dems overtly use the tactics of Putin on their opponents whilst accusing those opponents of colluding with Putin. And let me be plain. Any person and any political party that indulges in such anti-democratic activity should be banned from political office for an election cycle.

One cannot act as a democratically elected representative of the people when one is an enemy of democracy. And by enemy of democracy I do not mean rightfully claiming that the 2020 election was stolen or rightfully protesting that vote fraud on Jan6.

I mean abusing public office to make it impossible for an opposition party to campaign effectively.

In this country they do not persecute opponents quite so much (although Tony Robinson, Katie Hopkins, Dan Wootton, Laurence Fox, Liz Truss, and even my lowly self, when I had a Brexit supporting, right of centre media business, have all been defenestrated).

The UK tentacles are more corrupting than they are persecuting. Our unstated national ethos of highly trained problem-solving, empathetic public service expertise in all professional disciplines.

In sports, where it is used for the benefit not of the professional himself but for the benefit of those whom he is serving and of the institution and the profession that he is honoured to represent and be a part of, it has been systematically degraded, ridiculed and corrupted by me first money and by me last politics.

Readers of my age will have seen this change in ethos over the last 50 years. It is a national tragedy. Our democracy has all but fallen.

Our education system is a sex toy for paedophiles.

Our farmers are being paid to starve us.

Our NHS is being paid to kill us or abandon us.

Our emergency services are an order of magnitude slower than a commercial Pizza delivery.

But these are the least of our worries.

The brother of a friend of mine was blind and diabetic. He went to hospital last year because he got something stuck in his throat. The hospital gave up trying to remove the obstruction and instead put a tube down his throat to bypass it.

But they did not have enough staff to keep him fed through that tube. So they were starving him to death because obviously as an oath bound doctor or a nurse and particularly as an NHS bureaucrat, it is far more important to stuff delicacies down your own cakehole during your lunch break in your NHS trust canteen, than it is to feed a starving patient, who cannot feed himself.

Fortunately he did have a relative (his brother) who kept him fed. He said to his brother: “They are trying to kill me you know”. For although blind, he was seeing things more clearly than most of us.

He eventually died of pneumonia from the infection caused by the hospital failing to remove the obstruction.

But not before they spent a lot of time trying to persuade his brother that his quality of life was not going to be very good and that the prognosis was pretty abysmal and that he will only suffer more and more, the longer he lives.

And really the kindest thing to do would be to make him more ‘Comfortable’, with some pain killers and give him a pain free end. Yer. They had plenty of people available to make his brother an offer it would be uncomfortable for him to refuse. But they had nobody available to take the obstruction out of his blooming windpipe.

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