A White Horse Covered In Red Blood Up To The Bridle Just Went Rampaging Through The Streets Of London


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Why aren’t more people talking about this?  A white horse that was covered in red blood up to the bridle just went on a rampage through the streets of one of the most important cities on the entire planet, and almost everyone is ignoring it.  It was accompanied by a black horse that had also gotten loose.  The two horses actually rampaged through the streets of London for six miles before authorities were able to catch them.  Along the way, the horses rammed into a tour bus and a taxi

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Horses slammed into a tour bus parked on Buckingham Palace Road and a taxi outside the Clermont Hotel – smashing their windows – before two were seen running through Aldwych with their chests covered in blood.

The horses rampaged for six miles before they were finally caught in Limehouse, east London. The injured horses saw a vet and all of the animals are now back with the Army.

A British Army spokesperson confirmed this afternoon that the animals were ‘spooked by construction works’ when building materials were ‘dropped from a height’.

In my entire life, I have never seen anything like this.

At some point, the white horse suffered a broken leg, and that is why there was so much blood.

Thankfully, vets were able to treat the white horse and stop the bleeding

Footage of two horses being caught outside Gordon House on the Glamis Estate in Limehouse, east London, appeared to show that the white horse had broken its leg.

Still drenched in blood, the horse’s back left leg was bandaged and the animal seemed unwilling to walk on it.

Held at the side of the road by several officers, the white horse bled all over the road and was treated by vets at the scene.

Footage shows it bleeding profusely from its back leg as police gathered around to stem the flow.

Hopefully there is no lasting damage to any of the horses.

So why is this story important?

Well, when a lot of people saw this they were instantly reminded of the four horses in the Book of Revelation.  For example, the following is what Sharon K. Gilbert posted on her Twitter account

A white horse, covered in blood, and a black horse rush through the streets of London. White, red, black. Prophetic sign? Is a pale green horse next?

Of course many others are convinced that this tragic accident was just a “coincidence”.

Maybe they are right.

I don’t know.

But any story that pops up in the news about a “white horse” is always going to get my attention.

Meanwhile, the forces of darkness continue to become increasingly active.

This week, a representative from the Satanic Temple delivered an “invocation” at a county board meeting in Michigan

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