from State Of The Nation:

— UK MP Andrew Bridgen was told by a Senior Minister

Which means that the world is quickly waking up to the fact that the Covid ‘vaccine’ genocide MUST BE STOPPED—POSTE-HASTE!!!

Which also means that the State of Florida is the most likely jurisdiction that will take the courageous first step to permanently ban all Covid vax bioweapons.  As follows:

First, listen to UK MP Andrew Bridgen, in his own words, tell the story about the Covid CANCER SHOT:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

There is no question that both Gov. Ron DeSantis and State Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, MD are on a VERY SERIOUS mission to shut down the highly weaponized vaccine yesterday. Not only that, they both know in their bones that it’s nothing short of the mandate of heaven to do.

Bottom Line

There is a HUGE and rapidly growing anti-vaxx advocacy here in Tallahassee, Florida and we will not stop this fierce campaign to terminate every version of the extremely dangerous and deadly COVID-19 cancershots, clotshots and killshots until they are history. For example:

The biggest step in this process of vaxx termination is to employ Alinky’s Rules for radicals, and especially rule # 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co