The 1918 ‘Pandemic’ & the Viral Theory – ‘The Unproven Notion of Airborne Viral Illness That has Enslaved Humanity to the Corrupt Medical Cartel.’


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

There are multiple lines of evidence to dispute the classic viral disease paradigm, including historical records,  biological evidence (or lack thereof) and clinical “experiments” according to Dr Lee Merritt. Yet, while this is true, there are many self professed “awake” individuals who although are willing to accept that we have been continually lied to on a grand scale to enable our enslavement, will not open their minds even to the possibility that one of those lies has been the unproven viral disease paradigm.


Orthopaedic surgeon and past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Dr Merritt writes “I hear it all the time.  From Physicians, “How can you say viruses don’t exist? I treat people with viral illness all the time.”  Or from patients, “My whole family got really sick—so there must be viruses!” Dr Merritt adds “Let’s be clear.  There is disease, as in “Dis-Ease”.  People get sick and some die of the sickness.  And I can admit to the ability of harvesting tissue from one animal and injecting it into another species and causing disease– as Judy Mikovits describes it—“infection by injection”.  But that does not prove the existence of invisible, sub-microscopic unicorns that fly from one person’s nose to another as the CAUSE of that disease. 

It is the unproven notion of airborne viral illness that has enslaved humanity to the corrupt  medical cartel.

“What better psychological wedge can be implemented against humanity than making people afraid of invisible emanations from other people?” she asks.

In this article Dr. Merritt discusses the largest clinical case study of all time—the 1918 worldwide influenza outbreak.

The “Pandemic” of 1918-–and the Viral Theory.

By Dr Lee Merritt – The Medical Rebel

It may come as a surprise to most people—even doctors– that person-to-person transmission of influenza has not been proven. In fact, during the COVID scare in the summer of 2020, the CDC itself published research in the journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases that showed neither wearing gloves, wearing a mask, nor disinfecting the surfaces you touch stops community spread of Influenza.  “Influenza” is Italian for “influence” and does not imply an organism or spread between people.  Current professional literature after 2005 will make grandiose assertions. But assertions are not evidence, even if you say it over and over as in this case.  A Science review article from 2021states,  “However, there is robust evidence supporting the airborne transmission of many respiratory viruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), …” [1]  And just in case you didn’t believe it the first time, they repeat later in the article, “Despite the assumed dominance of droplet transmission, there is robust evidence supporting the airborne transmission of many respiratory viruses, including measles virus…” The problem is the evidence is not all that “robust”.  Bioinformatics and genetic fragments do not prove disease causation.  The question of causation was seriously studied during the outbreak of disease at the time of WWI.

Today, in the age of COVID, we have learned to question the official death numbers because they just don’t correspond to our observations. And we observed the ease with which “cause of death” can be skewed by hospitals coding for profit and propaganda (remember the motorcyclist who crashed and died of COVID?).  Similarly, the story of the great and awful 1918 pandemic has changed over time, and one should not take modern “retelling” at face value.

Kate Daly, a former Fox newscaster and current radio show host researched news archives about the 1918 Pandemic, and discovered that like a giant whispering game, over the last century, the numbers of the dead reported in newspapers consistently rose.  Original reports of dead are very small in the US county by county adding up to about 100,000. But by 1920, they were reporting 500,000 dead in the US.   In 1941 two decades after the event, they claimed an estimate of 10 million dead worldwide. By 1975 newspaper reports doubled the count to 20 million dead.  Mike Leavitt DHS reported in 2005 the number to be 38 million, and now the CDC tells us 50 million died worldwide.[2]

As I took up the news archive search, I very quickly recognized that newspapers of the early 20th Century were used for the same propaganda we suffer today.  We may think that only news in the digital age is controlled by a few major corporate voices, but I found, from 1917-1922, papers from all over America had identical articles under different banners.  It is somewhat humorous, but also confirmatory of the controlled nature of the press that, in the days of linotype, when each story was hand produced using lead printing letters, spelling errors were different, but the exact verbiage was used in “small town newspapers” all over the country.

Another telling fact: these “pandemic” articles were never big front-page stories—they were buried next to church news and the latest sales of eyeglasses.

According to a 1920 Harvard historical document, 5000 people in Boston died from the Pandemic of 1918, and the same article reported that Boston was the third largest city death count in America.[3]  This fact also leads one to again question the death count of 500,000 in the US.  It also explains the curious fact that no one in my family mentioned this purportedly horrific disease event.

My grandparents and great uncles and aunts, who were alive and working in 1918, never discussed a pandemic or even any big disease outbreak. My grandfather was a barnyard musician and great story teller who told me family tales about everything– Great Aunt Delia falling into the cistern, the problems of using a clevis pin in 20 below zero weather to hook the T-bar to the horse drawn wagon–but not one peep about the Great Pandemic of 1918. Although it would have occurred in the prime of his young adulthood, the “Great Pandemic”  apparently was not a major event in his life. In his diary which he faithfully kept daily from 1893 to 1963 there is one entry in 1918 that some relative “got the flu”.  No further mention of death or disability—and he faithfully recorded these events over the years.

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