Suddenly, Biden’s color revolution has gone grayscale…


from Revolver News:

Digging into Revolver’s investigations, it’s clear we’ve uncovered a ton about the Global American Regime’s playbook for color revolutions, spotlighting major figures like the dark mistress of color, Victoria Nuland. She’s been a key architect behind numerous attempts to derail President Trump’s political path and squash his populist wave. Remember the “Orange” number during Trump’s first impeachment trial? That was one of Victoria’s masterpieces, with a guy named George Kent playing a very pivotal role.



One of the most frustrating features of the Trump Administration is its tendency to hire, and even promote, personnel who are either indifferent or actively opposed to President Trump and the America First agenda he ran on in 2016.

Although the Administration remains crawling with such subversives, saboteurs, and so-called “Never Trumpers,” one especially interesting case is State Department employee George Kent.

George Kent was a star witness at the Trump impeachment hearings, in which he described Trump’s actions in Ukraine and the United States as “injurious to the rule of law.”

So, where did George clock in? Right in the heart of the department that handles—you guessed it—”color revolutions.” The Revolver piece goes on:

But once one takes a look at what George Kent’s job actually is at the State Department, the story becomes far more suggestive—even explosive. Kent just happens to be Deputy Assistant Secretary in the European and Eurasian Bureau. This bureau is generally known as the State Department hub for so-called “Color Revolutions,” through which the State Department, together with covert agencies and a constellation of allied NGOs influence, and at times overturn, elections in foreign countries. Indeed, one former senior state department official has told Revolver News that Kent is a “color revolution expert” — a designation that has been corroborated to Revolver by two current senior State Department sources.

Who was leading the charge of this Orange Revolution? None other than Biden’s right-hand, Victoria Nuland. The Revolver article continues:

Of course, the principal figure associated with this Orange Revolution in the US Government is none other than Victoria Nuland, who served as President Obama’s point person on Russia during the Color Revolution in Ukraine.


Nuland was a year into her role as Obama’s assistant secretary for Europe. She had been in Kiev, frantically working behind the scenes to put in place a new governing coalition in Ukraine as it teetered on the brink of revolution against its Russia-backed leader, Viktor Yanukovych.

Nuland took the extraordinary step of personally speaking to the mass of protesters organized against the Russian-backed President Yanukovych.

CBS News:

Nuland’s highly symbolic appearance in the square came a day after Secretary of State John Kerry issued a strong statement, expressing the United States’ “disgust with the decision of Ukrainian authorities to meet the peaceful protest … with riot police…”

While Revolver News is now perhaps best known for our national narrative shaping reporting on the January 6 Fedsurrection, our reporting first gained attention for our so-called Color Revolution series, documenting a handful of key color revolution professionals who were actively involved in neutralizing Trump’s presidency and electoral prospects in 2020 and deploying the same tactics against Trump that they used against so-called “authoritarian” rulers overseas in Eastern Europe.

The Curious Case of George Kent: State Department’s Belarus “Color Revolution” Expert and “Never Trump” Impeachment Witness

Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the “Color Revolution” Against President Trump

Make no mistake, Nuland’s also been front and center in the effort to lock America into an endless cycle of arming Ukraine, pouring weapons and money, like drunken sailors. All the while, she’s been spinning tales, keeping Americans in the dark about the true situation going on. It’s clear that many of the colors in Victoria’s palette are of a much darker, more sinister hue.

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