New York Magazine’s Transgender Critic Andrea Long Chu Promotes Sex Changes for Children as ‘Biological Justice’


by David Ng, Breitbart:

New York magazine is promoting the belief that children should be allowed to freely change their gender without interference from parents or any other adult, calling it a form of “biological justice” and the “moral” thing to do.

In this week’s cover story, Pulitzer Prize-winning cultural critic Andrea Long Chu argues that allowing children to undergo sex-change procedures is a right that comes from something called “biological justice,” which, he writes, also includes the “right to abortion, the right to nutritious food and clean water, and, crucially, the right to health care.”


Andrea Long Chu — a biological man who identifies as a woman– penned a nearly 8,000 word essay for New York in which he leads the reader through a dense thicket of gender epistemology, sex deconstructionism, post modern everything, and Judith Butler.

Do you know the difference between a TERF and a TARL? You’re about to find out.

Chu’s essay takes aim at those on the left who aren’t on board with sex-change operations for kids. These counter-revolutionaries include the staff at the New York Times, which has run a series of articles questioning the sharp rise in transgenderism among children, especially adolescent girls.

Also on Chu’s hit list are The Atlantic, The Economist, and independent journalists who have in any way questioned trans dogma.

These people are labeled “TARLs” — trans-agnostic reactionary liberals. They are anti-woke leftists who generally oppose sex change procedures for minors. As in the Cultural Revolution, these moderates must be purged  to achieve a greater good, according to Chu’s reasoning.

TARLs aren’t TERFs — trans-exclusionary radical feminists, as embodied by Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling and second wave feminists. While both are wholly objectionable to the trans lobby, Chu sees the former as more “insidious” because their anti-transness comes cloaked in ally-ship to the LGBTQ community.

Seemingly at the center of Chu’s essay is the notion of “biological justice,” which he never defines, though it appears to be related in some way to social justice.

“What trans kids are saying is this: The right to change sex that has been enjoyed for decades by their parents, friends, teachers, coaches, doctors, and representatives, especially if those people are white and affluent — this right belongs to them, too,” he writes.

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