MEP Rob Roos: The elites have decided we are “living wrongly” and “everything must change” in the name of “climate change”


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The ruling class, which controls politics, wants farmers to disappear by crushing them with one regulation after another and then concluding trade agreements with the entire world where they see fit, all under the guise of climate change.

“The ruling class wants to eliminate farming from Europe,” Dutch Member of the European Parliament (“MEP”) Rob Roos said.  They want to completely change our lives.  “It’s a kind of social engineering” and the instrument they are using to do it is the Green Deal.


Yesterday, MEP Rob Roos tweeted: “In every EU country, governments create different problems for farmers. Nitrogen (Netherlands), carbon tax (Denmark), higher fuel taxes (Germany).  But the agenda is the same. The ruling class wants to eliminate farming from Europe. Their instrument: the Green Deal.”

He attached a short clip from an interview with The Highwire’s Del Bigtree last month.

“The global elites … want us to change our complete lives.  They want us to stop eating meat. They want us to have electric cars.  They want us to have heat pumps.  Everything we have done so far is wrong and they are changing our lives.  It’s a kind of social engineering,” Mr. Roos told Bigtree. “And it’s implemented by the Green Deal.”

Mr. Roos joined Bigtree at a time when the European farmer’s revolt was gaining powerful momentum.  He gave Bigtree his take on why the European Union is placing these strict restrictions on farmers in the guise of climate activism. He discussed the reasons behind the pushback of European farmers and the elimination of rights looming for everyday citizens.

On the surface, the protests are about higher taxes, nitrogen, and cheap imported goods, among other things. But, as Mr. Roos articulated, the underlying reason is much deeper and is the same everywhere. He remarked that the incredibly disconnected global elite ruling class has decided that human beings are “living wrongly” and, quite literally, that “everything must change.”

Indeed, the ruling class, which controls politics, wants the farmers to disappear by crushing them with one regulation after another and then concluding trade agreements with the entire world where they see fit, all under the guise of climate change. Once farmers are out of the picture, this reliance on the global elite’s strategy for food is guaranteed to end freedom and basic life as we know it. As an entrepreneur and expert in energy, Mr. Roos reminded in a speech in Warsaw, Poland, on 9 February that food security is a matter of national security, adding, “no farmers, no food, no future.”

Read more: MEP Rob Roos: If you control CO2, you control people’s lives

As the deep state relentlessly aims to brainwash society to terminate meat consumption, it is not just cows they want to kill. In reality, all natural-based foods are under attack thanks to the UN’s Agenda 2030, which was swiftly ushered in as the world was locked down for the covid pandemic. And they’re not just focused on the healthy foods they claim are obliterating the earth. By also targeting and destroying the basic family unit, the ruthless billionaires are banking that their propaganda, Greta Thunberg and all, will permeate as unrefuted facts through phones and into the crevices of society, scaring everyone into compliance.

Unfortunately, the nightmare scenario at play is real. Thankfully, Mr. Roos sees it.

Read more: Dutch MEP Rob Roos’ Advice to America To Stop Globalist Takeover

We have embedded the video below to begin shortly before the clip Mr. Roos shared on Twitter began.

The Highwire: MEP Rob Roos Calls Out Globalists at EU Commission, 9 February 2024 (27 mins)

If you are unable to watch the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on The Highwire HERE.

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