by Karen Kingston, The Kingston Report:
Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced the LIABLE Act to dissolve ALL federal immunity and protections for manufactures of ‘COVID-19 vaccines,’ and will be retroactive once passed.
March 7, 2024: It’s been quite the week for Congress taking an aggressive stance against the corruption of the biopharma-medical-military-industrial complex.
Just yesterday, Mike Gallagher’s BIOSECURE Act advanced with an overwhelming 11-to-1 vote. This bill would prohibit the US government from funding Chinese biotech companies that pose a threat to national security and prohibit U.S. pharma companies from working with certain Chinese manufacturers, including Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle partner WuXi Biologics.
On Tuesday, House Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced the Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered (LIABLE) Act. The LIABLE Act would dissolve ALL federal immunity and protections for manufactures of ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ and will be retroactive once passed.
Chip Roy’s LIABLE Act will:
“Prohibit any Federal law from making the manufacturer of a COVID– 19 vaccine immune from suit or liability, or limiting the liability of such a manufacturer, with respect to claims for loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration to or the use by an individual of a COVID–19 vaccine, and for other purposes.”

Thank you Representative Chip Roy. Godspeed and God bless!
NOTE: This bill is not needed to sue or criminally prosecute Pfizer. Pfizer violated numerous laws outside of the EUA. Pfizer is not protected from charges of committing attempted battery, assault, and murder with a toxic agent and/or weapon (device), nor is the Pharma giant protected from defrauding the American people by engaging in a lying spree and a malicious propaganda campaign. (Lying isn’t a covered activity under the EUA laws.) I do think it is important to “clean up the legislative books” though.
Exodus 18:21
Select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.
The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.
Pending Florida Supreme Court Case: Will DeSantis & AG Moody Be Court-Ordered to Remove ALL mRNA Injections from Florida?
March 5, 2024: Dr. Joe Sansone filed an emergency petition for a writ mandamus in the Florida Supreme Court against Florida Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody on March 3rd and was issued case #SC2024-0327 on March 5th. The purpose of a writ mandamus
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