Emmanuel Macron Releases Photo Of Himself Boxing To Signal That He Is ‘Ready For Battle’ Pitting Europe Against Russia In Solidarity With Ukraine


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Intimate portraits of Emmanuel Macron boxing have been described as the ultimate show of ‘virility’ as he appears ‘ready for battle’ against Russia

French president Emmanuel Macron, who as you recall, is also the Co-Prince of Andorra, has just sent a message to Vladimir Putin about the Russia Ukraine War. Macron has signaled to Putin and indeed to all Europe, that he is ready to lead them into battle to defend Ukraine. He did this by releasing photos of himself aggressively punching a boxing heavy bag, taken by the official French presidential photographer, in a move some are saying shows Macron is ready for war.

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These boxing photos of Emmanuel Macron by themselves amount to not much more than him indulging in his well-documented narcissistic tendencies. But taken in complete context with the very aggressive pro-war statements he has been making over the past month, now you have something. Not only is Macron on record as saying that ‘European troops should be prepared to fight against Russia in solidarity with Ukraine’, he went on to say that if Europe and the West would not fight for Russia, then they were ‘cowards’. These boxing photos of Macron are funny, funny in the same way that photos of ‘the funny little man with the mustache’ in Germany were funny, right up to the moment that the laughter stopped. Just remember that the last two World Wars started in Europe, spread to Russia, eventually pulling in the United States. WWI killed 20 million with another 20 million wounded, plastic surgery was invented as doctors struggled to deal with the horrific wounds they’d never seen before. WWII killed 55 million, 6 million of which were Jews. Is Macron about to plunge us into WWIII? It’s starting to seem like it.

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