Cardiologist Blows Whistle: All Hospital ‘Covid Deaths’ Were ‘Murdered’


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A world-renowned cardiologist has blown the whistle in an explosive testimony to expose the true cause of patients whose deaths were listed as “Covid.”

Dr. Peter McCullough testified before the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee about the staggering numbers of people who supposedly died from Covid in hospitals during and after the pandemic.

However, McCullough sent shockwaves through the hearing when he testified that no patients were killed by the virus.


Instead, McCullough told the panel that every single patient whose cause of death was listed as “Covid” was actually “murdered” by the hospital where they were “treated.”

According to McCullough, the more patients they killed, the more money the hospitals made.

Hospitals received enormous financial incentives to implement lethal protocols.

This is the reason that “virtually all the deaths occurred in the hospital,” McCullough testified.


During the pandemic, patients’ deaths were linked to a number of supposed “treatments” that were given in hospitals.

The drug Remdesivir is so lethal it was nicknamed “Run Death Is Near” after it started killing thousands of Covid patients in the hospital.

The experts claimed that Remdesivir would stop Covid.

However, it stopped kidney function, instead, and then destroyed the liver and other organs.

Ventilators were also widely used in hospitals during the pandemic, with hospitals and health officials scrambling to obtain more of them.

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