The #1 Warning Sign Capital Controls Are Coming Soon and 4 Ways To Beat Them


by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Weekends and holidays are the perfect time to catch people off guard…

Like a street thug committing a mugging, capital controls blindside most people—otherwise, they wouldn’t be effective.

The government declares a surprise bank holiday and shuts all the banks—mere hours after they denied they were even thinking about such actions.

They impose capital controls to stop citizens from taking their money out of the country.


Cash-sniffing dogs, which make drug-sniffing dogs look friendly, show up at airports and border crossings.

At this point, your money is like a lobster in a trap. It doesn’t require much imagination to see what comes next.

Once a desperate government has your money within its reach, it’ll find a way to take as much of it as possible.

Don’t be surprised if your local currency suffers a massive devaluation, bank deposits are suddenly worth a fraction of what they were just yesterday, or the government imposes an emergency tax.

Whatever the method or pretext, the outcome is always the same: a wealth transfer from you to the government.

This familiar story has played out in many countries in recent years. The pattern is clear and should surprise no one the next time it happens.

It’s all but certain governments in financial trouble will turn to capital controls as a desperate, misguided solution—with devastating consequences for ordinary people.

Argentina, Lebanon, Venezuela, Iceland, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, China, India, South Korea, and governments in countless other countries have recently imposed capital.

The lesson from these examples is capital controls can happen anywhere and anytime.

Although it seems unthinkable to most, there is an excellent chance capital controls are coming to the US—they’ve happened before and could happen again soon.

Remember, in 1933, through Executive Order 6102, President Roosevelt forced Americans to exchange their gold for US dollars under penalty of 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine (or more than $235,000 in today’s debased confetti).

Of course, the official government gold exchange rate was unfavorable. It amounted to around a 41% confiscation of purchasing power.

The US government continued prohibiting private ownership of gold bullion for 42 years until they reluctantly allowed the plebs to own it again in 1975.

So, there is a clear historical precedent for implementing capital controls in the US, especially during a crisis.

Today, it’s self-evident the fiat currency system centered on the US dollar is crumbling at an alarming rate.

It’s been over 50 years since Nixon ushered in the fiat currency system by severing the dollar’s last link to gold in 1971.

The fiat currency system is long past the end of its shelf-life, like a carton of spoiled milk.

Even the global elites running the system can see that and openly talk about what they want to come next.

That’s why there’s all this talk about a “Great Reset,”… and without a doubt, capital controls will be part of it.

All it would take is a crisis—real or contrived—or some other pretext and the stroke of the president’s pen on a new executive order.

Expect it to happen.

Why and How Governments Impose Capital Controls

Capital controls are government restrictions on how people can use their money—something that should be abhorrent to anyone who believes in property rights and a free society.

Here’s how capital controls work…

Governments might allow people to buy foreign currency (or gold) only at an “official” rate that they set, which is always less favorable than the free-market rate. The difference between the fake official rate and the real free-market rate amounts to a wealth transfer to the government.

Another form of capital controls is steep taxes on international money transfers or purchasing foreign assets.

Governments could also flat-out prohibit ownership of foreign assets or moving any form of wealth outside the country.

No matter what flavor they come in, capital controls always help a government trap money within its borders so it’s easier for them to take.

A propaganda campaign is also necessary to gaslight people into believing such actions are required to protect the average person.

Expect politicians to make disingenuous claims to make them appear as saviors instead of aggressors.

The mainstream media will amplify this false narrative and demonize those opposed to capital controls as disloyal citizens or worse.

What Happens After Capital Controls

Capital controls are always a prelude to something worse.

That’s because once governments trap money inside a country, it’s probably only a matter of hours before there is wealth confiscation. Anything they don’t steal immediately, they box in for future thefts.

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