Jeffrey Epstein’s Transhumanist Efforts Live On


by Maryam Henein, The Tenpenny Report:

They say that in the aftermath of his 2008 sex trafficking conviction, Jeffrey Epstein wanted to develop an improved super-race of humans using genetic engineering and artificial intelligence and impregnate women with his seed — 20 women at a time.

Epstein told scientists and businessmen about his ambitions to use his 33,000-sq-ft Zorro Ranch in a tiny town outside Santa Fe as a base where women would be inseminated with his sperm, according to The New York Times. Zorro is just one of his properties where young women, including minors, were abused.


Was Epstein running a baby factory?

He reportedly got the idea from a ‘Repository for Germinal Choice’ which was a sperm bank in Escondido, California, in 1980, founded by Robert K. Graham. He was an avowed eugenicist and tycoon who got rich by developing shatterproof eyeglass lenses.

According to a 2001 story in Slate, Graham only ever convinced three or five (the stories vary) to actually contribute, and the Repository shuttered in 1999.

One may laugh at the arrogance of this philanthropist parasite sex offender, but Epstein made science sexy, surrounding himself with scientists and scholars, and funding many initiatives to cultivate good genes. That’s what eugenicists are all about.

And how about the plethora of technofascist transhumanist initiatives he funded? Epstein was integral in fulfilling the elite’s Eugenic Paradise.

People focus on Little Saint James in the Virgin Islands, but how about Zorro Ranch in New Mexico? 

“[Transhumanism is another] one of Egg Dicks weirdo fascinations that isn’t discussed nearly enough,” Bobby Capucci recently told me. He’s been covering the Epstein case for years. (I will be interviewing him again in March 2024. I invite you to watch my previous interviews with him.)

With that said, others like Jason Bermas, Mel K, and Whitney Webb have dug into this angle at great length. I don’t profess to be an expert or to go as deep as I usually go. Nonetheless, I don’t think there’s been enough coverage compared to his blackmail sex trafficking operation.

Cleaning Money With Science Fiction (Faction)

Jeffrey Epstein had the hookup despite being a college dropout. He was a member of the Edge Foundation, an organization made up of internationally respected thinkers and achievers run by literary agent John Brockman. He was a resident of St. Thomas in the USVI, and was a former member of the Council of Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science, The Trilateral Commission, and a former board member of Rockefeller University. He rubbed elbows with celebs and politicians and had his paws in dozens of charities and prestigious universities. He penetrated every sector of our society.

Epstein also arguably used his nonprofits like the Florida Science Foundation and The COUQ Foundation to advance his agenda. Naked Angels?

In 2000, he created the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation to sponsor cutting-edge scientists like George Church PhD – Professor of Genetics at Harvard;  the evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; the neurologist and author Oliver Sacks;  and MIT theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek, a Nobel laureate.

The foundation directly funded university departments like Harvard and MIT, individual scientists, and experiments in a wide range of subjects from quantum physics, evolutionary biology, and theoretical mathematics to computer intelligence and neuroscience.

For instance, the foundation helped fund NeuroTV, an online network devoted to academic interviews on everything neuroscience. The now-defunct show produced more than 13 episodes.

In 2003, the Foundation established The Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University with a $30 million grant under the direction of Martin Nowak, a professor of Mathematics and Biology whose colleague is Nanotech King Charles Lieber.

“Jeffrey has the mind of a physicist. It’s like talking to a colleague in your field. Sometimes he applies what we talk about to his investments. Sometimes it’s for his own curiosity. He has changed my life. Because of his support, I feel I can do anything I want,” Nowak said in a 2002 profile of Epstein for New York Magazine.

The program closed down because of its ties with sex offender 66-year-old Epstein.

According to the university, Nowak was barred from starting new research or advising students for two years. The sanctions come almost a year after Novak was suspended following a university review that found he had extensive, previously unreported contact with Epstein. Novak had an office for Epstein on campus which he visited more than 40 times between 2010 and 2018.  Epstein also oversaw Harvard’s Mind, Brain, and Behavior Committee at Harvard University. Epstein’s name is not currently on the list of members.

From 2005 to 2007, Epstein also funded George Church’s Colossal project, which aims to resurrect extinct animals like the wooly mammoth. Church, who is into cloning and making superhumans, would in 2019 apologize publicly on Sixty Minutes. Church was a featured speaker at the Vatican’s ‘Human Enhancement Roundtable” in May 2021 to promote transhumanism and human genome engineering.

A press release stated:

“It is vital to understand that the Jeffrey Epstein Foundation and the Florida Science Foundation are not ‘piggy banks,’ but facilitators between properly vetted grants and sponsorship funds. They do not exist to simply fund the creation of new projects that come into existence ad infinitum, but rather they seek to fund projects that are based on sound organizational principles, practices, and strategies that can use resources efficiently to advance significantly the frontiers of knowledge in fundamental areas,  drive real and lasting positive social change,  are sustainable and have measurable impact.”

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