Food Prices To Skyrocket In 2024 – From Cattle Shortages To Recalls To Another Meat Farm On Fire, Multiple Food Categories Will See Massive Price Hikes In The Coming Months


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

A multi-day fire in Texas where multiple buildings at Feather Crest Farms was finally extinguished, making this just the latest in more than 100 accidents, plane crashes, explosions and fires, at food processing/manufacturing facilities since 2021.

Add that to the US cattle herd shrinking to the lowest level in more than seven decades, Amish farmers still under siege by the Biden regime, war affecting food prices in multiple categories, and unprecedented amounts of food recalls, food costs 20% higher than when Biden started occupying the White House, and we have the perfect storm of events making it difficult for parents to feed themselves and their children.


Food insecurity has steadily risen since the Biden regime took over.

In March 2023, reports showed that almost 25% of Americans were considered food insecure, which was a jump of 5 percentage points from the previous year.

Almost 25% of American adults are food insecure, a jump of about five percentage points from a year earlier as the double whammy of high inflation and the end of pandemic benefits squeezes more household budgets, according to a new study. 

Food insecurity indicates that someone isn’t able to secure enough food for a nutritious diet, which can lead to skipping meals or cutting back on food. Those strategies, though, can have implications for a person’s health and well-being, experts say.  

The assertion that skipping meals or not getting enough to eat affects the health, while common sense, has also been confirmed by a recent study that found “estimated life expectancy at age 50 was 32.5 years among individuals with full food security, compared with 29.9 years among adults with marginal food security, 30 years among those with low food security and 28 years among individuals with very low food security.”

Despite inflation being lower now than it was last in 2021, the cost of food has not gone down, so the prices we are paying now, are not going down, if anything they are going to start rising again.

In the first video at the bottom of this piece, we’ll see 20 food items that will see their prices skyrocket in 2024.

Regular core inflation, which was far lower than food inflation since the Biden regime took over, has been higher under Biden than it was under Trump.

Biden is trying to blame grocery stores, demanding they cut prices, despite the fact that supermarkets have one of the lowest profit margins.

Supermarkets are often cited as among the types of businesses with the lowest profit margins. It’s true. Grocery store profit margins typically range from 1 percent to 3 percent, depending on the items. Grocery stores make their money on volume. They may not make much on any one item, but it’s the rare shopper who only buys one item. That’s why the store kindly provides big shopping carts for their customers. With not much additional effort, the grocery store sells you 20 items or more, making much more profit than they would have if you had bought only one item.

What Biden is doing is looking for a scapegoat, because he won’t admit his policies are responsible for much of the inflation.

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