The Line Has Just Been Crossed: A.I. Went Rogue And Couldn’t Be Brought Back Under Control As World Moves Rapidly Into A Time Of ‘Thought Crimes’ And Computers ‘Disabling Our Brains’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Imagine What Happens When Rogue A.I. Decides Humans Are Their Greatest Threat

According to this new Daily Mail story which Steve Quayle had linked to on his website earlier Tuesday morning, even the most ardent ‘fans‘ of Elon Musk are speaking out gravely over Musk’s latest ‘venture,‘ the first ever human being having a Neuralink brain chip implanted in his brain called ‘Telepathy,’ which is supposed to allow users to ‘gain control of their phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking.


very real merging of man and machine, as that DM story warned, many people who’ve followed Musk are horrified by the implications of his latest endeavor, accusing him of ‘mind control,’ ‘creating cyborgs‘ and even ‘playing God,’ though as we’ll explore within this story, the true implications may be much scarier than all of those possibilities.

With one Musk follower on ‘X‘ proclaiming ‘The negative potential of this makes me very uneasy,’ another adding ‘I’m terrified by the thought of it’ and yet another one stating ‘I think the real issue here is that even your thoughts won’t be safe‘ because If they can decode your thoughts for this, how long until FBI gets a search warrant for your thought crime?,‘ please keep all of that in mind as I share with you this new story over at MSN titled “AI went rogue and couldn’t be brought back in ‘legitimately scary’ study.”

With that MSN story warning a new study has revealed that Artificial Intelligence systems are able to resist sophisticated safety methods designed to keep them in check,  think about the damage that people who’ve been surgically implanted with such ‘brain implants’ could do if such ‘systems’ decide to ‘behave maliciously‘ or as one commenter on ‘X‘ had warned Musk of those ‘Telepathy brain implants,’ ‘What if someone else starts controlling you, and you can easily understand whom I am referring to,’  ‘Scary.’ ‘Any technological advance has to be based on bioethical principles, otherwise playing God always ends badly.’

Because with our ‘globalist overlords‘ clearly NOT having the best interests of humanity in mind, and ‘evil A.I.’ and many members of Congress having a great deal in common according to this recent story by Steve Macdonald over at the website Granite Grok, we’re being set up for the kill on multiple fronts with A.I. proving it’ll have no problem ‘going rogue’ while, as Macdonald clearly warns in this storyjust like Congress, they share similar trajectories. Left unchecked (or unplugged), they will turn on you – if the dystopian fantasies are accurate—a projection of ourselves at our worst expressed as destructive self-interest

It is why America’s founders tried to separate and constrain power, knowing all too well that anything made by man is as likely as not to revert to mankind’s worst impulses.

And while Joe Biden and his crime cabal in the White House, Congress and the Pentagon are seemingly eager to get the USA into a nuclear war in which there’ll be no ‘winners’ if it allows them to declare martial law and completely crack down upon what’s left of ‘freedom’ in America, as James Rickards asks in this new story over at the Daily Reckoning“Could A.I. Start A Nuclear War?”

Warning within his story that ‘escalations of war’ on numerous fronts globally are upping the very real possibility of things turning nuclear in the days ahead, Rickards also that ‘artificial intelligence’ may be the greatest threat to nuclear escalation because it has an internal logic that’s inconsistent with the human logic that has kept nuclear peace for the past 80 years.

Then bringing up a fictional movie made all the way back in 1964 titled “Fail Safe” within which an ‘accidental’ nuclear war is triggered between the United States and Russia after a computer mistakenly responds to an alleged ‘intrusion’ into US air space by a hostile Russian aircraft, with that computer system ‘erroneously ordering a U.S. strategic bomber group led by Col. Jack Grady to commence a nuclear attack on Moscow,’ you can check out the final 6 minutes and 49 seconds of that movie in the final video at the bottom of this story, a harrowing story of what can go wrong when we depend upon our ‘machines’.

With even the US President unable to stop the nuclear attack upon Moscow as the flight crew had been trained to disregard such ‘orders’ as a ‘deceptive ploy‘ by the Soviet Union, while attempts made by Russia to shoot down the planes are nearly successful except for one US plane evading the missiles, that 1964 movie left audiences stunned as they realized how dangerously things could turn in just an instant after a computer had made a ‘mistake.‘ and then issued orders based upon the info learned in that ‘mistake,‘ launching the world into ‘nuclear Armageddon’. And that movie was created all the way back in 1964, long before the ‘advances‘ we’ve seen in computers and ‘artificial intelligence’ in the 60 years since then, not to mention the pure evil lurking within the hearts and minds of many of today’s ‘rulers’ in Washington DC and across the planet. Briefly, from that Daily Reckoning story.:

Although Fail Safe is 60 years old, the issues it raises and some of the plot twists are strikingly contemporary. The computer error that caused the attack in the film is never explained technically, yet that’s not highly relevant. 

Computer errors occur all the time in critical infrastructure and can cause real harm including power blackouts and train wrecks. Such computer errors are the essence of the debate over AI in strategic systems today.

AI in a command-and-control context can either malfunction and issue erroneous orders as in Fail Safe or, more likely, function as designed yet issue deadly prescriptions based on engineering errors, skewed training sets or strange emergent properties from correlations that humans can barely perceive

Perhaps most familiar to contemporary audiences are the failed efforts of the president and Col. Grady’s wife to convince the bomber commander to call off the attack. Grady had been trained to expect such efforts and to treat them as deceptions. 

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