Shocking Rise In Numbers Of Brain Cancers And ‘Mad Cow Disease’ Cases Since Rollout Of COVID Vax Help Explain Why Sudden And Unexplained Deaths Are At An All-Time High


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– These Groups Are Covering Up Genocide For ‘Big Pharma’ & The NWO

According to this new Substack post by ‘Aussie17,’ with ‘Aussie17‘ being a ‘Big Pharma Exec Exposing the PHARMA INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX from the inside,’ there’s been a shocking rise in the sale of all cancer drugs in 2023, though as he states in this entry and this post over at ‘X,’ most notable has been the enormous rise in sales of the drug used to treat brain cancer, called Temodal.

Warning in his post that while the drug has been on the market for over 20 years, sales of the drug have suddenly tripled in a span of two years, from 2020 to 2022, as he also warned, “I’ve never seen a 20 year old generic drug spike like this in my pharma career!”


With that warning from ‘Aussie17’ coming at the exact same time as an astonishing rise in what have been termed ‘turbo cancers’ of all kinds, with ‘turbo cancers’ often killing within days, weeks or only months after being diagnosed/identified. As Dr. William Makis MD warns us in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, sudden and unexplained deaths are now at an all-time high. And in this ‘X’ post from Dr. William Makis MD from October of 2023 he warned us he was also witnessing a shocking rise in the numbers of brain cancers, with Dr. Makis referencing this Substack story.:

NEW ARTICLE: TURBO CANCER – Brain Cancer Glioblastoma: large tumors, not responding to treatments, recurrence that’s more aggressive 

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine INDUCED Turbo Cancers are occurring at highest levels since the mRNA jabs rolled out in Dec.2020. 

In my observations, Glioblastomas are in the top 3 most common COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancers (along with lymphomas and breast cancers). 

Patients are describing the following additional features (I provide 16 tragic detailed cases): 

– Very large tumors (apple sized, pear sized, baseball sized, this is how patients or their families are describing these tumors) 

– Even when surgery is successful, tumor starts to re-grow much faster than surgeons and oncologists were expecting.

– Poor overall response to chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, anti-angiogenic therapy 

When a brain cancer patient was in remission, the brain cancer returns, often more aggressive type and inoperable. 

Very poor overall prognosis. Oncologists continue to tell patients they have 12-18 months to live, but patients are dying often within a few months after diagnosis. Oncologists are baffled by the extremely rapid and aggressive course.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers are a new phenomenon. Oncologists are not recognizing it yet so they are unable to offer their patients any kind of successful treatment at this time. 

No research is being done. 99.99% of Oncologists are staying silent to keep their jobs and licenses. 

It will be extremely important to listen to patients and their families and what they tell us about these Turbo Cancer brain tumors – Glioblastomas.

With Dr. Makis’ warnings coming only months prior to the warnings now going out from Aussie17 of skyrocketing sales of the cancer drug used to treat brain cancers, and the mainstream media largely keeping their hands off this story as it is all part of their ‘job‘ to cover up this ongoing, vax-caused genocide for this government of terrorists carrying out mass murder globally, we’d love to bring your attention before we continue to one particular globalist outfit whose job is to cover up genocide, and while they’re doing so, making it impossible for websites like All News Pipeline to continue without your help.

As Susan Duclos had reported on August 23rd of 2023 in this story titled “Online Advertisers Using Government Funded ‘NewsGuard’ To Demonetize And Censor Conservative Independent News – We Finally Got An Advertiser To Admit It,” while NewsGuard had received a $750,000 grant from the US govt to censor all of the deaths coming from ‘Big Pharma’s’ vaxxes, they did so by attacking websites such as ANP, deeming us ‘not credible,’ websites that bothered to investigate the truth and report upon all the bizarre ‘sudden and unexpected deaths’ among people who took the vax, often the young and healthy.

And with Newguard attacking us via A.I. as we see in the next section of this story below, our ad revenue has fallen to barely $1,200 a month, if that, falling roughly 80% from what it was before ‘Newsguard’ came long. With that meager amount not even enough to pay our rent, we’ve got no money leftover after that to pay our electric bill, our cable bill, our car insurance bill nor any money at all to buy food. To say we are hurting terribly financially would be an understatement. So when suddenly you’re no longer able to get on ANP to read our stories or comment, you’ll know why: Newsguard, and hence, ‘big pharma’ and the US govt, have run us out of business. This is what you get for seeking and reporting the truth in 2024. 

As Susan Duclos had also mentioned in this January 7th ANP story, while the Washington Post is losing a whopping $100 million PER YEAR to push government propaganda that virtually NOBODY BELIEVES any more, we’d be able to keep ANP online, with new stories coming out regularly, if we had a single, 1 million dollars, for years and years, and in fact, until we were both dead and gone. So if there is any way at all that you, our readers, can help us out in the coming days, weeks and months, your help is desperately needed. 

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