Controlling the Food Supply


by Sherri Tenpenny, Eye on the Evidence:

It is January 2024. History Repeats Itself

Amish farmers are still being raided, and Bill Gates is buying more US farmland for God only knows what purpose. For nearly a year, The Tenpenny Report has been writing about how the Deep State is trying to starve us, and starve us some more. Food plant fires and avian bird flu are all cleverly disguised, but all have one goal…control over the food supply. However, the COVID era is not the first time this has happened. Far from it. As the saying goes, history does repeat itself.


The Buffalo Killers

In the 1800s, the US government definitely played a role in shaping the fate of Native Americans. How did they do it? The government allowed the decimation of the buffalo herds in the Great Plains. When the buffalo were gone, it was easier to force Native Americans onto reservations. Why? Because their primary food source was gone.

The US government allowed vast overhunting, so much so that the 30 to 60 million buffalo that once roamed the plains were reduced to only about 300 by 1899. It was a breathtaking and staggering loss. Thankfully, US conservation groups established a bison reserve in Yellowstone National Park and since then, numbers have rebounded.

Source: Rath & Wright’s buffalo hide yard in 1878, showing 40,000 buffalo hides, Dodge City, Kansas. – National Archive and Records Administration (NARA).

The Native Americans suffered a worse fate. US officials welcomed this devastating hunting as an end to their means. No buffalo meant no food and a way to force the natives to settle on reservations.

Deadly European diseases and wars with the white man certainly took a toll on Native American populations. The Civil War also made a dent, but the Indians were too resilient for the US government’s liking. The “scorched earth” Civil War generals like William Tecumseh Sherman and Philip Henry Sheridan came to be in charge of Indian engagement, their next assignment after the torching of Atlanta.

Long-standing Lies of the US Government

First, the Indians were promised that they could live freely on the Great Plains as long as the buffalo also freely roamed there. No Native American could fathom this not to be the case. Then, tens of millions of bison were slaughtered for sport rather than for food and clothing. There was a larger depopulation goal on the horizon. The end justified the means, right?

Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad gave easy access to large hunting parties. The buffalo were simply no match. A hunter once expressed remorse after shooting 30 bulls in one hunting trip, and US Army colonels told him to brush it off: “Kill every buffalo you can! Every buffalo dead is an Indian gone.”

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An 1872 government report clearly stated that the decimation of the buffalo herds “must operate largely in favor of our efforts to confine the Indians to smaller areas, and compel them to abandon their nomadic customs, and establish themselves in permanent homes.”

When the bison were gone, the US told the Native Americans they had to move, per the previous agreement. They were pushed onto reservations with a promise that the government would provide food, clothing, and shelter. None of those promises were fulfilled. Sheridan said it best himself:

“We took away their country and their means of support, broke up their mode of living, their habits of life, introduced disease and decay among them. And it was for this they made war against us. Could anyone expect less?”

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