Soros-backed NGOs seek global control of AI in pursuit of New World Order agenda


by Frank Wright, LifeSite News:

A coterie of unelected globalist billionaires, led by the Open Society Foundations and other Soros-backed groups, are looking to seize permanent control of the information system of the future.

On the 1st of November 2023, the Open Society Foundations – together with Vice President Kamala Harris – announced an initiative in Washington, D.C. “to ensure AI advances the public interest.”


These Soros-backed groups are joined by nine other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) sharing a globalist depopulation agenda in service of the New World Order, and together they “have $200 million invested in the field.”


The move marks a coordinated effort by “rights-based” NGOs to assert global control over the future of digital media. Using fears of an AI-led “army of killer robots,” their real intention is to seize permanent control through “regulation” of worldwide screen-based information.

Aiming for control of AI

In a press release issued by the Soros-backed Open Society Foundations (OSF), ten NGOs announce their aim, which is “to fund projects to ensure that  

  • AI protects democracy and the rights and freedoms of all people;  
  • that AI innovation is in the public interest;  
  • that AI empowers workers across industries; 
  • that there is greater transparency and accountability in the development of new AI; 
  • and that we build strong international AI norms and rules.”

Citing the dangers to democracy and to human life presented by unregulated artificial intelligence, a coterie of “charitable” billionaires are seeking unelected governance of the information system of the future.

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As Laleh Ispahani, executive director of OSF in the U.S., said:

AI tools could benefit people all over the world – but who they serve will depend on how they are developed, used, and overseen.

The decisions we make now will set the course for decades to come. If we want to achieve our potential as a community and a country, we must meet this moment.

So, who are the people who will decide how the powerful tools of AI will be used?

Meet the NGOs

An NGO is a “charitable” organisation which seeks similar powers to the state, but acts outside the electoral system. All ten of these globalist NGOs which seek control of artificial intelligence directly fund the political and social causes of the left, with a strong emphasis on depopulation and “social justice.”

George Soros is a financier whose currency speculation delivered him vast wealth. He has used this wealth in “philanthropic” causes, chiefly through his Open Society Foundations, which began in 1979 and, according to the OSF website, now “funds groups and individuals in more than 120 countries.”

Whilst the leadership has now passed to Soros’s son, Alex, Open Society Foundations continues to fund abortionist, anti-family, and other “progressive” causes. These Soros bodies directly fund pro-Communist and “LGBT rights” groups and also sponsor open borders campaigns in the promotion of an “open society.”

When control is good for you

As with the other NGOs, Soros sees his own project of control as benign.

He imagines two types of society, with the ideal being oriented around the cult of the self and the rights his organizations seek to enshrine and defend: the “right” to kill unborn children, to display and disseminate sexual extremism, and to promote divisive identity politics and the destruction of nations in service of some godless utopia – that is, the New World Order agenda.

This he calls the “open society,” which he describes as follows:

I refer to the two systems of governance as open and closed societies. I define the difference between the two as follows: in an open society, the role of the state is to defend the freedom of the individual; in a closed society, the role of the individual is to serve the interests of the rulers.

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