by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

A regular reader and contributor here, T.M., spotted this one, and I thought it somehow was very fitting that it should be the blog for today, All Saints’ Day, 2023, for Italy has struck another blow against Globalooneyism by striking a blow against one of its premier nutcases, Baal Gates, and his “synthetic meat” agenda. Now, that information is not in and of itself all that new. Various countries have been taking aim at Gates and some of his nuttier ideas. India, you might recall, a few years back had some difficulties with his medical schemes (see Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates?)


But the reason that Italy now has Gates in its crosshairs is one that India will recognize, for it fits their own allegations against the billionaire busybody:

Now I’m sure many readers here will recall our days in junior high and high school, and those periods of trepidation before lunch wondering what was on the menu in the school cafeteria. A staple of such cafeterias was “chicken fried steak”, which was some sort of meat patty surrounded by some sort of chicken-like substance, all of which was fried in grease, and served up with a dollop of what looked like a rubbery plastic-grey goo resembling gravy. This concoction was, of course, almost universally known to victims of American school cafeterias as “mystery meat”.  No one knew what it was, where it came from, who cooked it, nor who came up with such a foul and regurgitigious recipe.

But Baal Gates, according to this article, has apparently outdone the American public school cafeteria in culinary and nutritional revulsion with his synthetic meat, according to the Government of the Republic of Italy:

“Italy is the first nation to say no to synthetic food, to so-called ‘synthetic meat’. It does so with a formal and official act,” Health Minister Orazio Schillaci announced. “The resolution calls for a commitment to ban the production, marketing and import of synthetic foods within our territory.

“These regulations aim to regulate situations where the environmental public health could be at risk, or when there is uncertainty regarding the effects of certain products that are being or will introduced to the market or consumed,” Schillaci continued.

In contrast to this no-nonsense and eminently reasonably policy, a little later on the article discloses something that, at first glance, is almost too incredible to believe, until one remembers that we’re talking about someone who comes from a long line of eugenicists, and who is himself a nerdocrat responsible for The World’s Worst Computer Operating System and who wants to quackcinate everyone with limitless and inconveniently timed “updates” (following his Micro***t business model):

Synthetic meat has been heavily promoted by Bill Gates and the globalist elites at the WEF as the solution to so-called climate change. When peddling his book “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster” in 2021, Gates told the MIT Technology Review that “all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef.”

However, this fake food has now been shown to cause cancer via the immortalized cell lines used to manufacture it.

Meanwhile in the US, Biden has fast tracked Bill Gates’ lab-grown ‘synthetic meat’ for approval, meaning grocery stores across America can now sell the carcinogenic fake meat to the public.

Synthetic meat and cancer cells, huh?

You mean, the local grocery store meat counter is going to have to make space for “100% ground tumors”?  Would those be rat tumors? Pig tumors?

Surely they’re joking, right?

Has to be fake…  no one could take this seriously.

Except, I know I won’t be buying any “food product” produced by Gates and his ilk. After all, they want us to eat bugs.  And after all, they’ve lied about everything else (including, you’ll recall, the safety of their quackcines, after they purposefully and intentionally altered the dictionary definition of the term)…

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