Truth is Now CENSORED – Hate and War are Too Popular and Too Prosperous


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

In today’s digital age, especially here in 2023 as LLM (Large Language Models) AI software can instantaneously generate any kind of image or video to portray something that is not real or never happened, it is becoming increasingly difficult to determine just what “Truth” is by looking at or watching something on the Internet or your TV.

What this usually means is that those with the deepest pockets and the most resources end up being the predominate view embraced by the public at large.

So it is today in the current headline news cycle, which pits both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict against each other.


But as someone who has spent many years of my adult life living in the Middle East in Muslim countries, I can tell you from firsthand experience, rather than just citing sources on the Internet, that the real truth is more than likely that neither “side” represents the truth, because the Globalists who control the world by controlling the financial system, need the world divided, rather than united.

Therefore, what I am doing with this article and the featured image I have put together, is trying to put a picture in your mind that completely contradicts BOTH sides of the current conflict in Israel, that I hope will replace all the other images you are probably being bombarded with every day now in the mass media.

My belief, which is based on years of living in the United States, my home country where I grew up, as well as the years I lived in the Middle East (Turkey and Saudi Arabia), is that the featured image of this article comes much closer to communicating the truth of average, ordinary people, who live in Israel and the Palestinian areas. And that truth is that the vast majority of people living in these areas, if given a choice, would gladly dwell together in peace.

THIS is the main truth that is being censored today in both the corporate and alternative media sources, for the most part. Most of the people living in these areas just want the killing to STOP – whether it is the killing of the people of their own nationality and religion, or the killing of their neighbors who are a different nationality and religion.

But neighbors loving and supporting each other is not newsworthy today, and it does not fit the goal of the Globalists who are on a path to destroy and replace the world’s financial system, and significantly reduce the world’s population.

Get Ready for Major False Flag Events – Take Your Anger Out on the Global Billionaires and Bankers who Fund These Wars, Not the Citizens of these Puppet Regimes and Their Puppet Politicians

There is abundant evidence that the “attacks” in NYC in 2001 were NOT the result of “Muslim terrorists”, and that the Muslims that were blamed for these attacks were recruited by the CIA.

I have already published 3 articles on the current war in Israel that began last week:

War Breaks Out in the Middle East – Beware of the U.S. Media One-Sided Coverage

Captured Hamas Terrorist: “We Prepared for Over a Year – We were Shocked that IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) were not Waiting for Us” – Netanyahu Supporting Hamas?

American Politicians Call for Genocide Against Palestinians as They Buy War Stocks – Gaza Doctors Issue ‘SOS To Whole World’

As I wrote in the first article, the U.S. media, BOTH the corporate media as well as most of the alternative media, are strongly pro-Israel and very one-sided in their coverage of what is currently happening in Israel. I listed some sources where readers can get the non-U.S. perspective on current events in the Middle East, and they included:

These are official government-sponsored media outlets, and of course one reader attacked me and wrote:

Are you really telling us to go to Muslim news sites for the truth?!?!?!?!?! Please……..I thought you had more discernment then this. Yes, I believe nothing from the Lying Liberal Media but to suggest the Israelis caused this war/battle is insane. Islam is straight from the pits of hell and is a death cult………..PERIOD!!!

How sad!

First, this is a typical straw man argument, presenting an argument about something I never wrote, as I never wrote that these sources are sources for “truth,” but “non-U.S. perspectives on current events.”

I admitted that they were government-sponsored, which automatically indicates that they are mostly not based on complete “truth”, and more towards “bias/propaganda.”

But they are still useful sources, because they represent what most people in their respective countries believe, so one can try to view the news today through the eyes of other people around the world, whether it is true or not.

In most countries, just like the majority of the population in the U.S., the general public follows the predominate narrative supported by their government and mass media, and only a small subset of the public actually does their own research and considers opposing views.

But notice how prejudiced this reader is, based on what he wrote. Not understanding that his views are most likely formed by propaganda published in the U.S. and the Western media, he reveals his prejudice towards “lying liberals” (e.g. ALL liberals and ONLY liberals lie), and his prejudice against Muslims (all Muslims are part of a death cult “from Hell”).

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