Government-Enforced Racism and Sexism


by Jeff Thomas, Information Liberation:

A half-century ago, the US was the envy of the world – the Land of the Free, where virtually anyone could prosper, if he were willing to roll up his sleeves and work.

America was made great through the immigration of those who wished to pursue the American dream of “work = personal success.” It’s important for us to remember that those who were less ambitious remained in their homelands and helped their countries stagnate, whilst their worker-bee counterparts colonised America for generations.


An important lesson here: America was not built on immigration per se; it was built on immigrants with a strong work ethic.

Not so, today. Whilst there are certainly those who move to the US to pursue the original American dream, far more go there due to the promise of governmental largesse. Welfare, free health care, free education, etc., now attract those very same people that stayed behind in previous generations – those who made little or no contribution to the economy.

This, of course, degrades the economy itself, as citizens, new and old, are encouraged to consume entitlements rather than work.

Of course, the critical ingredient in the Land of the Free was the Free Market – the system under which individuals and companies had the ability to make their business decisions based upon what was most profitable.

The 1960s brought about increased racial enlightenment in the US, resulting in the growth of greater opportunities for minorities in the workforce. At about the same time, women were increasingly receiving better educations and were seeing greater opportunities as leaders in business.

Again, this was all a part of the free market. A free market will invariably benefit from those who are the most capable, regardless of race, gender or ethnicity.

What a free market does not thrive on is governmental force. Force is the antithesis of freedom, and the more force, the less the freedom, until, eventually, the free market collapses under the weight of governmental interference.

In recent decades, political correctness arrived on the scene. It has done a fair bit to degrade the free market in the US, but it should not be mis-defined as force. It has functioned through coercion. Coercion is not force, but it’s often a precursor of force.

Historically, whenever a coercive social trend can be firmly established, it’s likely, at some point, to morph into legislated force.

So, will “diversity” grow legs and become enforced under law?

Well, right on cue, the Illinois State Legislature has passed a bill that mandates that all publicly traded companies have a woman and an African American on their board of directors.

Of course, in the modern world, it’s quite common to see boards of directors with both women and minorities, so why would this be a problem?

Well, here we go back to that word, “force.” To force a board of directors to have a woman on it is clear gender discrimination. To force it to have an African American is clear racism. The law dictates gender discrimination and racism by forcing companies to make decisions based upon gender and race.

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