Clintons Re-Launch Global Initiative Foundation & Presidential Run


by Helena Glass, Lew Rockwell:

As Congress meets to argue whether Ukraine is entitled to another dime, out of the cobwebs comes Hillary to save the day.   Metaphorically.   She wants to save the day for Ukraine at the expense of USAID via US Taxpayers.   Relaunching her Foundation that reportedly actually granted roughly 6% to charity, she has declared her foundation’s newest scandal will be to ‘give humanitarian aid to Ukraine’.   That is double speak for ‘YOUR tax dollars will go to Ukraine via the Clinton Foundation financed by the US Government’:


Of course, there will be substantial donations to Big Mommy and Family members in the process.

State/USAID’s budget in 2013, ten years ago was under $20 billion.   Ten years later it is proposed a $63 Billion need for 2024.   The main recipient has typically been National Endowment for Democracy (NED).   On paper, NED is then required to dole out the funds to various charities inside the stipulated country in need of humanitarian aid.   Instead, the money pays for NED’s expenses, and then the balance ends up at the World Bank whereupon usury microloans are extended to other countries.

The Clinton Foundation wants a piece of this action. Under the guise of humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

The last filed Form 990 for NED 2020 – :   Income $253.6 million, Payroll & Expense $29 million, Rent $7.5 million. Their largest grants went to the AFL-CIO, Center For International Private Enterprise (CIPE) – a subsidiary of NED, China Digital Times, International Republican Institute – a subsidiary organization of NED, National Democratic Institute – a subsidiary of NED, and a host of ‘projects’ based in DC, NY and Florida.

What these agencies do not do – is improve the quality of life for anyone.

The 2024 Budget for USAID includes:  1) invest in energy infrastructure and cyber security, and promote the resilience of the Ukrainian people as they defend themselves against Russia’s invasion. 2) 2.8 billion to combat authoritarianism.   3) $10.5 billion for Ukraine and Syria… 4)   $4 billion to support resilience against China manipulation. 5)   $3.2 billion to payoff Indo-Pacific new alliances.   6)   $10.9 billion to combat foreign diseases, aka Bill Gates & WHO.   7) $31.1 billion to support women diversity uplifting. 8)   $4 billion to figure why there is migration. 9) 2.3 billion for new hires.

The Clinton Foundation was a recipient of USAID money when Hillary was Secretary of State disbursing the funds – to herself.   The ‘humanitarian cause’?   Haiti.   Haiti subsequently devolved into chaos – never to recover. Other causes included El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.   The countries where the vast majority of our illegal immigration originates today.

When Hillary lost her presidential bid, her Foundation tanked. Her popularity among foreign governments who had contributed to her Foundation for the purpose of profit – tanked.   Ultimately, the Foundation went completely dormant. Until now.

Yesterday, just days after Billy visited with Pope France, the PR Pope declared a vital partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative to support Ukraine. In partnership with Zelenskyy’s wife, Olena, Hillary announced funding from AirBnB CEO, World Bank (Biden just asked Congress today for $28 billion for World Bank), UN, Orlando Bloom, Matt Damon, Ford Foundation, and World Central Kitchen.

Some of their stated aims is to teach mothers how to wash their hands.   How to get an abortion.  How to prevent being hit by a car. How to feel safe. And how to find free resources already available in said country.

However, the timing begs the question, does Hillary anticipate being the next US President?   The Foundation’s funding was ramped by the assumption of her 2016 presidential win, and collapsed when she was pushed out by Trump.   Ramping up again just in time fore a Biden impeachment and a 2024 bid, seems a bit too coincidental.

September 1, 2023, The Rockefeller Foundation sent Hillary a check for $200,000. The purpose was stated as: “in support of generating narratives and media training for entertainment professionals that establishes the impact of climate change…” 

Although it was posited in 2022 that Hillary was going to make a 3rd times the charm run for president, she continually denied it.   However, according to Dick Morris, a political consultant and former aide to Bill Clinton, Hillary is setting herself up to be the moderate choice for Democrats in the 2024 election. The relaunch of the Foundation may be a front for campaign monies.

Huma Abedin has been retained as Hillary’s Chief of Staff and is now dating Bradley Cooper of Hollywood fame.

UN ASSEMBLY September 2023:   Guyana’s President, Irfaan Ali, attended a private reception hosted by Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and their daughter Chelsea. A release from the Office of President Ali said that the reception was attended by current and former Heads of State who are in New York for the United Nations General Assembly and a select group of Fortune 500 CEOs among others. Who wasn’t there?   BIDEN. On Tuesday, President Ali will address the 2023 meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in New York.

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