Biden’s Entanglement With Hunter’s Businesses is ‘Self-Indicting’


by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMag:

No politician would do this unless they intended to benefit from it.

Holding elected office requires maintaining all sorts of firewalls. The most basic of these firewalls is between a public official and the business dealings of his friends and family members.

Despite all the time spent in office, Joe Biden not only failed to uphold and maintain these firewalls, but he tore them down on every occasion.


Joe Biden phoned in and showed up to chat with his son’s foreign business partners. (He appears to have a history of doing this, also glad-handling his brother’s business partners.) When his people deny that Hunter was sending threats to his business partners in his name with his consent, it’s not credible because Joe had taken steps to erase the natural firewall that should have existed. Once the firewall was down, Joe Biden was entangled, the question is not whether he was entangled, but how much.

Not only wasn’t Joe Biden building the most elementary firewalls, but he was ignoring their existence.

House Democrats acknowledged Wednesday that Hunter Biden’s then-business partner, Eric Schwerin, handled President Biden’s finances for the duration of his vice presidency.

A spokesperson for the Democrat minority of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability told Fox News Digital that Schwerin, the former president of Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca Advisors and a frequent visitor to the Obama-Biden White House, served as then-Vice President Biden’s “bookkeeper” from 2009 to 2017.

The White House memo included a 14-page fact-check of Republicans’ claims made throughout the Biden investigation with regard to the president’s purported role in his son’s foreign business dealings and whether the Biden family used the former vice president’s public office for personal profit.

“Republicans’ own witnesses such as Eric Schwerin, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, said President Biden was not involved in their business dealings,” the White House said on page 13 of the memo.

“’In a March 2023 interview with Republican and Democratic Committee staff, Mr. Schwerin told Committee staff he was not aware of any involvement by President Biden in the financial conduct of the President’s relatives’ businesses, much less any transactions into or out of the then-Vice President’s bank account related to business conducted by any Biden family member,’” the White House continued, citing a paragraph from the Oversight Democrats’ memo in May.

Not aware is a weasel word that’s carrying a lot more weight here than the White House thinks it does, but let’s backtrack a moment.

Joe Biden is using his son’s partner as his bookkeeper. This is about as far away from a firewall as you can get. It’s not just that Joe Biden gets involved in his son’s business dealings, he integrates his own business dealings with Hunter’s setup.

There’s no firewall here, just the opposite, it’s a setup pleasantly situated to intertwine his affairs with those of Hunter.

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