A Nuclear Attack Quick Actions Checklist – Part 2


by Anon-6, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.)

– To filter air:

  • Need to get fresh air into the shelter without pulling in fallout particles
  • In rack 1 is everything you need to set up an air filter system that pulls in filtered air
  • Checklist with step-by-step pictures is on the clipboard
  • Instructions are also written on the plywood board that will go in the opened movie room window slot (board already has 12” holes in it for the small yellow industrial fan to pull air into the movie room through one of the furnace filters) [Rack 1 contains a small commercial ventilation fan (Vevor 12” utility blower fan), three large house furnace filters that will be used to filter air pulled into the movie from outside, a fitted plywood board that will go into the movie room subterranean window, two rolls of duct tape, and several pre-cut thick pieces of foam to ensure a tight fit]

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  • The fan will need to be powered on once every two hours for 5-10 minutes to change out the air [it will be powered by the Yeti 1250 battery “generator,” or by another power source discussed below]
  • When the fan is off flip the pre-cut and already-attached thick plastic sheet down onto the inner/exhaust side of fan – this will keep bad particles outside as much as possible (use the large black rubber bands already on the exhaust side of the fan to secure it)


– Cooking/eating:

    • Propane 2-burner camp stove, in rack above moms car
    • Propane tanks for the camp stove are brought from storage under stairs out back [there are at least four full 20lb propane tanks there at all times]
    • Extension adapter gas line to work with 20lb propane tanks, near stored tanks [this adapter hose is what we use to fuel the camp stove rather than a small propane can]
    • Also can cook/boil water on small single-burner hot plate (in Rack 1) [only uses 1000W so will work with Yeti 1250 generator from Goal Zero, battery replaced one year ago, will power items under 1200W]
      Food is in the movie room already – MREs
    • Located at the back wall of the movie room and have “heaters” that work by adding small amount of water, like when camping) and civilian MRE-like meals (also have heaters that work by adding small amount of water)  [We’ve had fun practicing with these before, there’s enough for 2 people for a month – only 3 years old as of this article]
    • Time permitting, bring in other canned, freeze dried and dehydrated food from storage [another room in the basement] that will supplement the MREs at back wallA can opener is part of Rack 1 stuff
      Eating kits (Army-style mess kits and metal utensils) are in Rack 1 stuff

– Sleeping:

  • Move cots and sleeping bags to movie room – the sleeping bags and cots are on the rack above Mom’s car
  • Grab more blankets (some blankets are on Rack 1, grab others as needed depending on season)
  • Heating is covered by small heaters in Rack 1 stuff [one 12v small heater and two 500W 12V small ceramic space heaters – depends on season and grid power]

– Radios/Communication:

  • AM/FM/WX/NOAA alert radios in Rack 1 stuff are hand cranked, solar chargeable, and/or battery powered (also have lights) [American Red Cross FRX3]
  • Radio on workbench [Raddy RF760 Portable SSB Shortwave Radio Receiver with NOAA Alert, Full Band AM/FM/SW/CB/VHF/UHF/WX/AIR]
  • Green ammo can above my workbench labelled “radios” – contains walkie-talkie radios [Baofeng UV-5R] for when leaving movie room to go upstairs or outside
  • Always take a radio with you when you leave the shelter and do a test of the transmit and receive of both units before you walk out

– Security:

  • Set up Burglar Busters (in Rack 1 stuff) across the front door entry [main floor], the sliding glass door leading to the deck [main floor] and the basement sliding glass door [I don’t think they make the “burglar buster” anymore, but it’s a pepper spray system with a trip wire release]
  • Set up other trip wires connected to cans/bottles (in the 5 gallon bucket in Rack 1) to serve as warning for break in
  • Set them up inside the door going into the garage from the house [interior of the house as you move from a mud room area to the garage – they are precut and packaged in ziplocs with thumbtacs to attach – in Rack 1 containers]
  • Set up on stairs going down to basement [prepackages as above]
  • Insert large bolts through garage door rails – two bolts per garage door, one on each side of the garage doors (they’re hanging next to the holes you put them into) to prevent the garage doors from being pried open from the outside
  • Bring all the guns in the green gun locker and ammo cans [labelled and stacked] for each gun into movie room [will supply the two Glock 19s, two 12GA shotguns, two AR-15s, and the “mighty” M1A]
    Wear your pistol when leaving the movie room (keep long guns ready by observation holes – see below)
  • Bring the body armor from (husband’s) side of closet down and set it inside the movie room along the wall near to the door
  • If able, bring down the six metal targets [Tactical Scorpion Gear GG1220 AR500 12’ x 20”’3/8” – these would serve as a bulletproof shield near the observation holes(below)]]
  • Get thermal and night vision devices [Seek Thermal XR imager for iOS and SiONYX Aurora night vision device]; there is a set of both of these devices in the small black travel bag, and another larger night vision binocular-sized device in my top dresser drawer
  • Time and fallout permitting, nail/screw 2X4s from racks in garage to the wall horizontally to cover patio door and basement pool room windows (horizontal openings are harder to climb through than vertical)
  • Consider putting up hand drawn signs saying “DANGER! INFECTION INSIDE!” on doors to deter entry/curiosity
  • Time and fallout permitting, nail many long nails (from left toolbox, second drawer from the bottom) through the 1X6 boards from the garage overhead storage area and lay them “pointy side up” below window sills in basement and in (son’s) room
  • Later, use Leatherman or long screwdriver and cut small observation holes in the wall of the movie room allowing you to see into the main basement towards the patio door
  • Cut a second hole looking towards stairs [stairs come from the main floor to the basement level and end right at the entrance to the movie room]
  • Cover the holes from the inside with duct tape
    Note: Before you look out, turn off all lights in the movie room, open the tape cover and observe.

– Power:

  • Using the dolly in the garage bring the Yeti 1250 and Yeti 400 [Goal Zero battery “generators”] and the two 12 V batteries to the main basement area about 10 feet from the basement sliding glass door (not into the movie room – the charging cords won’t reach the movie room) [they are connected to the Yeti 1250 with an easy-to-disconnect Anderson Power Pole connector and the 12Vs charge in parallel with the Yeti 1250]
  • Bring Yeti wall charger cords from garage
  • Bring long black 30’ Yeti power cord (sitting on top of the Yeti while in the garage)
  • Reconnect the Yeti to the 2X 12V batteries
  • Set up all the four solar panels [GoalZero 100W briefcase model] on the deck (to be less visible) and screw them down to the deck wood using the screws in the Ziploc bags taped to the back of the panels (to be more stable in winds)
  • Connect the solar panels together – plug ends are labelled “into next panel” and ports on the back of the panels are labelled “in from other panel” and “out to next panel”
  • Run the 30’ charger cord from the last of the solar panels down (two ends of the cord are labelled “from the last solar panel” and “plug into Yeti, to be charged”) into the main basement room – will reach the Yeti and battery set

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