by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

You may remember a few years ago I blogged about China’s plan to turn all of its occupied Tibet into a weather modification technology, and that I blogged about that topic again a couple of years later:

See also China plans rapid expansion of ‘weather modification’ efforts

I submit, for reasons that will become clear in my elaboration of today’s high octane speculation, that this Chinese project to turn all of Tibet into a massive weather modification technology is the proper context in which to view and interpret the following story shared by W.G. (with our thanks):


China begins trial operations with world’s largest solar telescope array

Now for all of you Richard C. Hoagland fans, I draw your attention to the article’s very definite display of some very “tetrahedral numbers”:

The world’s largest array of sun-monitoring radio telescopes has begun trial operations in southwest China.

The Daocheng Solar Radio Telescope (DSRT) consists of 313 dishes, each with a diameter of 19.7 feet (6 meters), forming a circle with a circumference of 1.95 miles (3.14 kilometers). A 328-feet-high (100 m) calibration tower stands in the center of the ring. (Emphasis added)

Why “tetrahedral” numbers?  In a nutshell, Mr. Hoagland years  ago elaborated a complex hypothesis regarding a spherically circuminscribed tetrahedron: if one places a tetrahedron inside a sphere with the verticies of the tetrahedron touching the surface of the sphere, with one of those vertices touching the axis of rotation of the sphere, and then measures the latitude where the other tetrahedral vertices touch the sphere, they will universally fall out at approximately 19.47 degrees north or south latitude (depending upon the northern or southern orientation of the vertex on the axis of rotation). Mr. Hoagland then pointed out in various writings and interviews that if one looks at planetary upwellings of energy across the solar system, many of them contain such upwellings at this lattitude on the planetary surface, the Great Red Spot or Storm on Jupiter being the most famous example, but the Hawaiian volcanoes being a more familiar example closer to home. To Mr. Hoagland, these tetrahedral numbers were, in other words, a clue to a possible hyper-dimensional physics, since if one rotated such spherically circuminscribed tetrahedra in N dimensions, the energy produced would be manifest at that latitude in lower dimensions (such as three  dimensions of Jupiter or Earth).  Thus, the appearance of numbers involving the coefficient of 195, such as 0.195 or 1.95 or 19.5 are all harmonics of that basic (and apparently dimensionless) “fundamental” of 195…

So it is at the very least suggestive that the Chinese solar telescope appears to have either close approximations (19.7) or actual reproductions (1.95 miles, which turns out to be 3.14 kilometers, a close approximation to yet another “fundamental”, pi). It is suggestive because it implies that the solar telescope array, appearing as it does in the context of an entire country – Tibet – being turned into a vast weather modification machine, might be for far more than merely observing the Sun, but also for manipulating or influencing the Sun. After all, the Sun is the chief driver of weather on this planet (not, thank you goofy climate change advocates, cow farts or large scale agriculture).

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