San Francisco Uninhabitable for Federal Workers


from Moonbattery:

As San Francisco enters end stage liberalism, the mess is piled so deep that Democrats can’t avoid stepping in what they created:

Officials at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advised hundreds of employees in San Francisco to work remotely for the foreseeable future due to public safety concerns outside the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building on Seventh Street.

No one could be more Democrat than federal bureaucrats corroding the country inside a building named after Nasty Pelosi in San Francisco.


Too bad they can’t give themselves an exemption from local conditions. But liberal policy has made this once beautiful city unlivable for everybody. Equity has been achieved.

Dozens of dealers routinely plant themselves on, next to or across the street from the property, operating in shifts as users smoke, snort or shoot up their recent purchases. The property’s concrete benches are an especially popular site for users to get high, socialize or pass out.

Where recreational drug use has been permitted to flourish, other crime flourishes too, as do filth and violence.

The memo came on the same day that, according to Axios, President Biden’s White House chief of staff called for more federal employees to return to their offices after years of remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We’ve got a problem that dwarfs Covid. The disease that destroyed San Francisco has metastasized throughout the country. The same effect can be expected from coast to coast.

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