Podcast — Larken Rose — Behind The Scenes Of The Jones Plantation: A Movie to Wake the Masses


by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

In this episode of the Free Thought Project podcast, Matt is joined by guest-host Gavin Nascimento as we sit down with Amanda and Larken Rose to delve into their groundbreaking new movie, “The Jones Plantation.” “The Jones Plantation” is more than just a film – it’s a jarring reminder for us to interrogate the societal structures we inhabit, recognize the covert shackles that confine us, and strive for authentic freedom. The potency of this film is impossible to overstate, and we strongly encourage all of you to experience it firsthand.

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Throughout our conversation, we explore the film’s profound symbolism and its striking parallels with real-life experiences. Larken and Amanda provide us with insight into the motivation behind the creation of the movie, the rationale behind the pivotal elements they incorporated, its relation to contemporary happenings, and why it’s a must-watch for everyone.

You definitely don’t want to miss out on this riveting podcast episode, and we highly recommend giving it a listen before you watch the film! There are no spoilers!

The trailer for the movie:

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