Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world


by Frank Wright, LifeSite News:

The mRNA pioneer’s reluctant conclusion came during a speech at the recent 2023 White Coat Summit.

In a speech at the 2023 White Coat Summit, Dr. Robert Malone asked the crucial question about the so-called COVID vaccines:

“Why would a government wish to advance this technology?”

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His reluctant conclusion is that the novel mRNA injections have been developed by the CIA to assist in a global depopulation program – which has existed in the United States since the 1970s.

Dr. Malone was one of the pioneers of the technology which led to the development of the mRNA injections. His near-unique insight into their mechanism of action was derided as “misinformation” by the mainstream media, once he began to warn the world of the dangers of these novel interventions.

Given his background in developing what he refers to as “genetic vaccines,” Dr. Malone would appear to personify the very science we ought to be following. It is not his credentials nor his proven expertise which has led to the attacks on his reputation, however. It is the fact that the science he has followed has led him to a sinister global program of deliberate harm. 

Who are the puppet masters? U.S. government, Nazi scientists 

Dr. Malone says:

When we ask who are the puppet masters behind all this, we have to look the brutal truth in the face. That behind a lot of this is the U.S. government … in funding, policy and actions.

He goes much further in explaining the history of biological warfare innovation in the modern world:

The entire backbone of modern biology as we know it – molecular biology, biochemistry, virology, microbiology – [has] been created in large part through massive U.S. government investment in biowarfare programs … which of course all derives from Operation Paperclip and the importation of both Nazi and Japanese biowarfare specialists.

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